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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, C, E and 3L

ACELLULARacellular adj. Not composed of cells; not cellular.
ACELLULAR adj. not containing or made up of cells.
ALLOCABLEallocable adj. Able to be allocated.
ALLOCABLE adj. that can be allocated, also ALLOCATABLE.
CELLULARScellulars n. Plural of cellular.
CELLULAR n. a mobile phone.
CELLULASEcellulase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyze the cellulolysis (or hydrolysis) of cellulose.
CELLULASE n. an enzyme that can split cellulose into glucose, present in organisms in the guts of animals and in the leaf stalks of higher plants.
CHLORELLAchlorella n. Any single-celled green alga, of the genus Chlorella, found especially in stagnant water; now produced…
Chlorella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Chlorellaceae – unicellular green algae.
CHLORELLA n. a member of the genus Chlorella of green freshwater algae.
CLAMSHELLclamshell n. The shell of a clam.
clamshell n. Any object that, in (literal or figurative) resemblance to the shell of a clam, has a hinge on one edge…
clamshell n. (Often attributive) Any object with some other resemblance to either one or both halves of the shell of a clam.
CLEANLILYcleanlily adv. In a cleanly manner.
CLEANLY adv. clean in habits.
CLITELLARclitellar adj. Relating to the clitellum.
CLITELLAR adj. relating to the clitellum.
COLLEGIALcollegial adj. Of, relating to, or ruled by colleagues.
collegial adj. (Roman Catholicism) Ruled by bishops having equal power.
collegial adj. Of or relating to a college or its students; collegiate.
COLUMELLAcolumella n. (Biology) Any of various small structures in plants or animals that are columnar in shape.
columella n. (Anatomy) The skin at the end of the septum which separates the nostrils.
columella n. (Comparative anatomy) In birds, reptiles, and amphibians, the small bone which carries vibration from…
HELICALLYhelically adv. In a helical manner, spirally.
HELICAL adv. shaped like a helix.
LACTEALLYlacteally adv. (Rare) milkily; in the manner of milk.
LACTEAL adv. pertaining to milk, also LACTEAN, LACTEOUS.
LEXICALLYlexically adv. (Manner) In a lexical manner.
lexically adv. (Domain) In terms of a lexicon.
LEXICAL adv. of or relating to words or the vocabulary of a language as distinguished from its grammar and construction.
LOCELLATElocellate adj. (Botany) Divided into secondary compartments or cells, as where one cavity is separated into several smaller ones.
LOCELLATE adj. divided into small compartments.
MILLSCALEMILLSCALE n. scale formed on iron or steel from heating for forging.
TELICALLYtelically adv. In a telic manner.
TELIC adv. directed or tending toward a goal or purpose.
VALLECULAvallecula n. (Anatomy, botany) A depression, channel or groove.
VALLECULA n. (Latin) a groove or furrow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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