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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, K, M and O

ARMLOCKEDarmlocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of armlock.
ARMLOCK v. to grip by the arms in a kind of wrestling hold.
CHOKEDAMPchokedamp n. (Mining) A damp consisting chiefly of carbon dioxide, so called for its ability to asphyxiate.
choke␣damp n. An asphyxiant found in enclosed places such as mines and sewers; a mixture of several gases left after…
CHOKEDAMP n. an asphyxiating gas, mainly carbon dioxide, found in mines.
CHOKERMANchokerman n. A person employed to fasten the choker around logs for haulage.
CHOKERMAN n. (Canadian) a person responsible for attaching chokers to logs.
CHROMAKEYchromakey n. (Television, film) The use of a particular colour (usually either green or blue) as a key in a TV studio…
chromakey v. (Transitive) To modify an image in this way.
chroma-key n. Alternative spelling of chromakey.
CLOGMAKERclogmaker n. A manufacturer of clogs (type of shoe).
CLOGMAKER n. a maker of clogs.
COCKLEMANcockleman n. A fisherman who catches cockles.
COCKLEMAN n. a cockle fisherman.
COMEBACKScomebacks n. Plural of comeback.
COMEBACK n. a return to former glory.
GAMECOCKSgamecocks n. Plural of gamecock.
GAMECOCK n. a rooster trained for fighting.
GAMMOCKEDgammocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of gammock.
GAMMOCK v. (dialect) to frolic.
HACKAMOREhackamore n. A kind of bridle with no bit.
HACKAMORE n. (Spanish) a halter consisting of a long leather or rope strap and headstall, used for leading a pack animal.
LOCKMAKERlockmaker n. A manufacturer of locks.
LOCKMAKER n. one who makes locks.
MAMMOCKEDmammocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of mammock.
MAMMOCK v. (Shakespeare) to tear something to shreds, also MUMMOCK.
MOCKADOESmockadoes n. Plural of mockado.
MOCKADO n. (obsolete) an inferior quality woollen fabric.
MOONCAKESmooncakes n. Plural of mooncake.
moon-cakes n. Plural of moon-cake (alternative form of mooncakes).
moon␣cakes n. Plural of moon cake (alternative form of mooncakes).
MOSAICKEDmosaicked adj. Composed of a mosaic.
mosaicked adj. (Photography) Formed from a "mosaic" of images.
MOSAIC v. to decorate with an inlaid surface.
SMACKEROOsmackeroo n. (Slang) Synonym of kiss.
smackeroo n. (US, Australia, slang) Synonym of dollar.
SMACKEROO n. a loud kiss; one pound stirling.
SMOKEJACKsmokejack n. A device for turning a spit by means of a fly or wheel moved by the current of ascending air in a chimney.
smoke␣jack n. A roasting jack powered by hot gas rising from a fire.
SMOKEJACK n. a contrivance for turning a spit by means of a fly or wheel moved by the current of ascending air in a chimney.
TUCKAMOREtuckamore n. (Newfoundland) A spruce tree bent and entangled by winds on the coastal shores of Newfoundland.
TUCKAMORE n. (Canadian) a stunted tree or bush, especially a spruce or juniper, with creeping roots and interlacing branches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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