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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, 2H and I

CHELASHIPchelaship n. The role or status of chela (pupil or disciple).
CHELASHIP n. discipleship.
HEADCHAIRheadchair n. (Railways) Part of a block switch on a railway line that the ends of the moveable rails rest on, and…
HEADCHAIR n. a high-backed chair with a headrest.
HEXASTICHhexastich n. A poem consisting of six verses or lines.
HEXASTICH n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICHON.
HIERARCHShierarchs n. Plural of hierarch.
HIERARCH n. a high-ranking person esp. an ecclesiastical ruler or potentate.
HIERARCHYhierarchy n. A body of authoritative officials organized in nested ranks.
hierarchy n. A social, religious, economic or political system or organization in which people or groups of people…
hierarchy n. Any group of objects ranked so that every one but the topmost is subordinate to a specified one above it.
HUISACHEShuisaches n. Plural of huisache.
HUISACHE n. (Nahuatl) a thorny, scrubby acacia.
RHACHIDESrhachides n. Plural of rhachis.
RHACHIS n. (Greek) the spinal column, also RACHIS.
RHACHISESrhachises n. Plural of rhachis.
RHACHIS n. (Greek) the spinal column, also RACHIS.
SCHECHITAschechita n. Alternative form of shehitah.
SCHECHITA n. (Hebrew) the slaughtering of animals in accordance with rabbinical law, also SCHECHITAH, SHECHITA, SHECHITAH, SHEHITA, SHEHITAH.
SHANACHIEshanachie n. (Ireland) storyteller.
SHANACHIE n. (Gaelic) a Highland or Irish genealogist and transmitter of family lore, also SEANNACHIE, SEANNACHY, SENNACHIE.
SHECHITAHshechitah n. Alternative form of shehitah.
SHECHITAH n. (Hebrew) the slaughtering of animals in accordance with rabbinical law, also SCHECHITA, SCHECHITAH, SHECHITA, SHEHITA, SHEHITAH.
SHECHITASSHECHITA n. (Hebrew) the slaughtering of animals in accordance with rabbinical law, also SCHECHITA, SCHECHITAH, SHECHITAH, SHEHITA, SHEHITAH.
THATCHIERTHATCHY adj. resembling thatch.
THEARCHICthearchic adj. Divinely sovereign or supreme.
THEARCHIC adj. divinely sovereign or supreme.
THICKHEADthickhead n. Someone stupid.
thickhead n. Any of several species of Australian songbirds of the genus Pachycephala.
THICKHEAD n. a thickheaded or stupid person; any bird of an Australian family related to flycatchers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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