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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, G, P and S

ASPECTINGaspecting v. Present participle of aspect.
ASPECT v. to look at.
CHANGEUPSchangeups n. Plural of changeup.
change-ups n. Plural of change-up.
CHANGEUP n. a type of baseball pitch, a slow pitch thrown like a fastball.
CREEPAGEScreepages n. Plural of creepage.
CREEPAGE n. gradual movement.
ESCARPINGescarping v. Present participle of escarp.
ESCARP v. to cause to slope steeply.
MEGASCOPEmegascope n. A modification of the magic lantern, used especially for throwing a magnified image of an opaque object…
megascope n. (Photography) An enlarging camera.
MEGASCOPE n. an instrument for projecting an enlarged image.
PACKAGERSpackagers n. Plural of packager.
PACKAGER n. one who packages.
PUCELAGESpucelages n. Plural of pucelage.
PUCELAGE n. virginity.
RESPACINGrespacing v. Present participle of respace.
respacing n. Spacing again, or by a different amount.
RESPACE v. to provide new spacing.
SCAPEGOATscapegoat n. In the Mosaic Day of Atonement ritual, a goat symbolically imbued with the sins of the people, and sent…
scapegoat n. Someone unfairly blamed or punished for some failure.
scapegoat v. (Transitive, intransitive) To unfairly blame or punish someone for some failure; to make a scapegoat of.
SCRAPEGUTscrapegut n. (Obsolete) A fiddler.
SCRAPEGUT n. (archaic) a fiddler.
SCRAPPAGEscrappage n. The practice of scrapping something.
scrappage n. (UK) An amount of money paid by the government to a person trading in an old car (to be scrapped) for…
SCRAPPAGE n. allowance for scrap.
SCRIPPAGEscrippage n. (Obsolete) The contents of a scrip, or wallet.
SCRIPPAGE n. the contents of a scrip, or wallet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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