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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, F, H and I

ARCHFIENDarchfiend n. A chief fiend (devil, demon or monster).
archfiend n. (Preceded by “the”, often capitalized) Satan.
archfiend n. (Transferred sense) A diabolically evil person.
CATFISHEDcatfished v. Simple past tense and past participle of catfish.
CATFISH v. to create a false identity on social media in order to lure someone into establishing a relationship.
CATFISHEScatfishes n. Plural of catfish.
CATFISH v. to create a false identity on social media in order to lure someone into establishing a relationship.
CHAFFIESTchaffiest adj. Superlative form of chaffy: most chaffy.
CHAFFY adj. worthless.
CHIEFTAINchieftain n. A leader of a clan or tribe.
chieftain n. (By extension) A leader of a group.
CHIEFTAIN n. the head of a clan; a leader or commander.
ENCHAFINGenchafing v. Present participle of enchafe.
ENCHAFE v. (obsolete) to make warm; to irritate.
FAITHCUREfaithcure n. Alternative form of faith-cure.
faith-cure n. The act or process of curing disease by calling on the faith and expectations of the patient, without…
FAITHCURE n. a cure or healing through prayer or faith in God.
FISHCAKESfishcakes n. Plural of fishcake.
fish-cakes n. Plural of fish-cake.
fish␣cakes n. Plural of fish cake.
FRAICHEURFRAICHEUR n. (French) freshness.
FRANCHISEfranchise n. The right to vote at a public election or referendum; see: suffrage, suffragette.
franchise n. A right or privilege officially granted to a person, a group of people, or a company by a government.
franchise n. An acknowledgment of a corporation’s existence and ownership.
FRATCHIERFRATCHY adj. quarrelsome.
LIFEHACKSlifehacks n. Plural of lifehack.
life␣hacks n. Plural of life hack.
LIFEHACK v. to live one's life in a way such as to simplify tasks and minimize effort.
LIGHTFACElightface n. The opposite of boldface, a font that is light (has a low ratio of ink to white space).
LIGHTFACE n. a typeface having comparatively light thin lines.
PREACHIFYpreachify v. To preach didactically; to sermonize.
PREACHIFY v. to discourse in the manner of a preacher.
SHITFACEDshitfaced adj. (Slang, vulgar) Very drunk.
shitfaced adj. (Slang, vulgar) Under the influence of mind-altering drugs.
shit-faced adj. Alternative spelling of shitfaced.
SHITFACESshitfaces n. Plural of shitface.
SHITFACE n. (vulgar) a contemptible person.
THICKLEAFthickleaf adj. Applied to various kinds of plant characterized by thick leaves.
THICKLEAF n. any of various succulent plants of the genus Crassula.
WHITEFACEwhiteface n. (Uncountable) Makeup that makes the face appear white.
whiteface n. (Countable) Any bird of the genus Aphelocephala.
whiteface n. A Hereford cow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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