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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, 2F and R

AFFECTERSaffecters n. Plural of affecter.
AFFECTER n. one who affects, assumes.
AFFLICTERafflicter n. One who afflicts.
AFFLICTER n. one who afflicts.
AFFRICATEaffricate n. (Phonetics) A sound produced using a combination of a plosive and a fricative.
affricate v. (Transitive) To produce (a plosive) as an affricate.
AFFRICATE n. a consonant that begins as a plosive and ends as a fricative.
CHAFFEREDchaffered v. Simple past tense and past participle of chaffer.
CHAFFER v. to bargain or haggle.
CHAFFERERchafferer n. One who chaffers; a bargainer.
CHAFFERER n. a vendor who enjoys talking while making a sale.
CHAUFFERSchauffers n. Plural of chauffer.
CHAUFFER n. a metal box for holding fire, also CHAUFER.
CHAUFFEURchauffeur n. A person employed to drive a private motor car or a hired car of executive or luxury class (like a limousine).
chauffeur n. (Firefighting) The driver of a fire truck.
chauffeur v. (Intransitive) To be, or act as, a chauffeur (driver of a motor car).
COFFERDAMcofferdam n. (Engineering) A temporary watertight enclosure used to create a dry foundation for building bridges…
cofferdam n. (Nautical) An empty space that acts as a protective barrier between two floors or bulkheads on a ship.
coffer-dam n. Alternative form of cofferdam.
CREAMPUFFcreampuff n. Alternative spelling of cream puff.
cream␣puff n. A light, hollow pastry typically filled with cream or custard.
cream␣puff n. (Figuratively, informal) A weak or ineffectual person.
FAIRFACEDFAIRFACED adj. of bricks, with a smooth unplastered surface.
FARCIFIEDfarcified v. Simple past tense and past participle of farcify.
FARCIFY v. to turn into a farce.
FARCIFIESfarcifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of farcify.
FARCIFY v. to turn into a farce.
FOREFACESforefaces n. Plural of foreface.
FOREFACE n. the front part of the face of a quadruped.
FORFICATEforficate adj. (Zoology) Deeply forked, like the tails of certain birds.
FORFICATE adj. deeply forked, esp. of certain birds' tails.
MAFFICKERmafficker n. (Dated) One who mafficks, or celebrates boisterously.
MAFFICKER n. one who mafficks, celebrates with boisterous rejoicing.
RECHAUFFErechauffe n. Alternative spelling of réchauffé.
réchauffé n. A dish of food that has been reheated.
réchauffé n. (Figurative) Something made up from old material; a rehash.
SCLAFFERSsclaffers n. Plural of sclaffer.
SCLAFFER n. one who sclaffs, slaps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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