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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, F and L

AFFLUENCEaffluence n. (Obsolete) An abundant flow or supply.
affluence n. An abundance of wealth.
affluence n. A moderate level of wealth.
ALFERECESalfereces n. Plural of alferez.
alféreces n. Plural of alférez.
ALFEREZ n. (Arabic) a standard-bearer.
DEFALCATEdefalcate v. (Intransitive) To misappropriate funds; to embezzle.
defalcate v. (Transitive, obsolete).
DEFALCATE v. to embezzle money held on trust.
EFFECTUALeffectual adj. Producing the intended result; entirely adequate.
EFFECTUAL adj. successful in producing the desired effect.
FACEPLATEfaceplate n. A removable protective shield separating the inner workings of a machine from operator and observer.
faceplate n. A rigid flat surface that has an active role in the interaction of a device with an operator or user.
faceplate n. A transparent window forming part of a helmet directly in front of the wearer’s face, allowing them to see out.
FALSEFACEfalseface n. A mask covering the face.
false␣face n. (Obsolete) A mask.
FALSEFACE n. a mask.
FIREPLACEfireplace n. An open hearth for holding a fire at the base of a chimney.
FIREPLACE n. an open recess in a wall of a room, at the base of a chimney, etc., for a fire.
FLACKEREDflackered v. Simple past tense and past participle of flacker.
FLACKER v. (Scots) to flutter, also FLAFFER.
FLACKETEDFLACKET v. to flap, flutter.
FORCEABLEFORCEABLE adj. that can be forced.
FREELANCEfreelance n. Someone who sells their services to clients without a long-term employment contract.
freelance n. (Historical) A medieval mercenary.
freelance adj. Of, or relating to a freelance; without employment contract.
HALFPENCEhalfpence n. Plural of halfpenny.
halfpence n. A halfpenny.
half-pence n. Obsolete form of halfpence; obsolete plural of halfpenny.
LIFECARESLIFECARE n. housing and health services for the elderly.
MALEFFECTmaleffect n. A bad or harmful effect.
MALEFFECT n. an adverse effect.
MALEFICESmalefices n. Plural of malefice.
MALEFICE n. (archaic) an evil deed; an enchantment.
PALEFACESpalefaces n. Plural of paleface.
Palefaces n. Plural of Paleface.
pale␣faces n. Plural of pale face.
PARFLECHEparfleche n. (US) A form of stiff leather made from rawhide.
parfleche n. (US) A shield, bag or other item made from this material.
PARFLECHE n. (French) rawhide soaked in lye and water, then dried on a stretcher for shields, also PARFLESH.
VENEFICALvenefical adj. Obsolete form of veneficial.
VENEFICAL adj. acting by poison or potions or by sorcery, also VENEFIC, VENEFICIOUS, VENEFICOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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