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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, D, 2N and R

CLARENDONClarendon prop.n. A royal palace near Salisbury, now ruined, or the country house built on its site.
Clarendon prop.n. A peerage title (especially in reference to Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon).
Clarendon prop.n. A civil parish of Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada.
CNIDARIANcnidarian n. (Zoology) Any of various invertebrate animals, such as jellyfish, hydras, sea anemones, corals and formerly…
CNIDARIAN n. a coelenterate, that includes sea anemones, hydra, jellyfish, and coral.
CORNLANDScornlands n. Plural of cornland.
CORNLAND n. ground suitable for growing grain.
CROWNLANDcrownland n. (Historical) In Austria-Hungary, any of the provinces, or largest administrative divisions of the monarchy.
crown␣land n. Alternative form of Crown land.
crown␣land n. Alternative form of crownland.
DECENNARYdecennary adj. Decennial: of or related to a ten-year period.
decennary n. A decennium: a period of ten years.
decennary adj. Alternative form of decenary: of or related to the number ten; containing ten items.
DRACONIANdraconian adj. Very severe or strict.
draconian adj. (Obsolete, except in fiction) Of or resembling a dragon.
Draconian adj. Of or relating to Draco, the first legislator of Athens in Ancient Greece.
ENDURANCEendurance n. The measure of a person’s stamina or persistence.
endurance n. Ability to endure hardship.
endurance n. (Nautical) The length of time that a ship’s rations will supply.
ENTRANCEDentranced adj. Placed in a trance.
entranced adj. Held at attention, as if by magic.
entranced v. Simple past tense and past participle of entrance.
HINDRANCEhindrance n. Something which hinders: something that holds back or causes problems with something else.
hindrance n. The state or act of hindering something.
HINDRANCE n. an act of hindering; that which hinders, also HINDERANCE.
NONDANCERnondancer n. Someone who is not a dancer.
NONDANCER n. someone who does not dance.
NONSACREDnonsacred adj. Not sacred.
NONSACRED adj. not sacred.
ORDINANCEordinance n. (US) A local law, passed by e.g. a city.
ordinance n. An edict or decree, authoritative order.
ordinance n. A religious practice or ritual prescribed by the church.
ORDNANCESordnances n. Plural of ordnance.
ORDNANCE n. military stores or supplies; missiles discharged in war; artillery.
RANCHLANDranchland n. Land used for ranching, or raising livestock.
RANCHLAND n. the land occupied by a ranch.
TRANSCENDtranscend v. (Transitive) To pass beyond the limits of something.
transcend v. (Transitive) To surpass, as in intensity or power; to excel.
transcend v. (Obsolete) To climb; to mount.
TRENCHANDtrenchand adj. Obsolete form of trenchant.
TRENCHAND adj. (Spenser) trenchant.
UNCANDORSUNCANDOR n. a lack of candor, also UNCANDOUR.
UNCANDOURuncandour n. Lack of candour.
UNCANDOUR n. a lack of candour, also UNCANDOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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