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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, C, D, L, M and N

ADMINICLEadminicle n. Something that aids or supports.
adminicle n. An auxiliary.
adminicle n. (Scotland, law) Corroborative proof.
CALAMINEDcalamined v. Simple past tense and past participle of calamine.
CALAMINE v. to apply a skin ointment.
CALUMNIEDcalumnied v. Simple past tense and past participle of calumny.
CALUMNY v. to utter false charges calculated to damage another's reputation.
CLAMPDOWNclampdown n. A sudden repressive or punitive restriction or control.
clamp-down n. Alternative form of clampdown.
CLAMPDOWN n. a tightening e.g. of regulations.
CONDYLOMAcondyloma n. (Pathology) A wartlike growth on the skin or a mucous membrane, caused by certain types of HPV viruses…
CONDYLOMA n. a wartlike growth in private parts.
DEMONICALdemonical adj. Alternative form of daemonical.
DEMONICAL adj. of or like a demon, also DEMONIACAL, DEMONIC.
DOMINICALdominical adj. Of or pertaining to Jesus Christ as Lord.
dominical adj. (Archaic) Of or pertaining to the Lord’s Day, Sunday.
dominical adj. (Historical) Of or pertaining to the ancient system of dominical letters, used for determining Sundays…
DYNAMICALdynamical adj. Dynamic.
DYNAMICAL adj. related to force, also DYNAMIC.
ENDEMICALendemical adj. (Archaic) endemic.
ENDEMICAL adj. confined to one particular area, e.g. of a disease also ENDEMIC.
MARCHLANDmarchland n. (History) Land comprising the marches of a territory; borderland.
MARCHLAND n. a borderland.
MEDICINALmedicinal adj. Having the properties of medicine, or pertaining to medicine; medical.
medicinal adj. Tending or used to cure disease or relieve pain.
medicinal adj. Tasting like medicine; particularly of unpleasant or artificial sweet or bitter flavours similar to…
MONADICALmonadical adj. Alternative form of monadic.
MONADICAL adj. of, pertaining to, or like, a monad, in any of its senses, also MONADIC.
MONODICALmonodical adj. Pertaining to monody.
MONODICAL adj. of or like a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner, also MONODIC.
SLAMDANCEslam-dance n. A form of dancing where participants intentionally collide.
slam-dance v. To dance in this style.
slam␣dance v. Alternative form of slam-dance.
UNCLAIMEDunclaimed adj. Not claimed.
UNCLAIMED adj. not claimed.
UNCLAMPEDunclamped adj. Not clamped.
unclamped v. Past participle of unclamp.
UNCLAMP v. to free from a clamp.
UNDECIMALundecimal adj. Based upon the number eleven.
UNDECIMAL adj. based on the number eleven.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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