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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, C, D, I, L and V

ADVICEFULadviceful adj. (Obsolete) Attentive; watchful.
adviceful adj. Providing advice; informative, insightful.
ADVICEFUL adj. full of advice.
CEVADILLAcevadilla n. Archaic form of sabadilla.
CEVADILLA n. (Spanish) a liliaceous plant, yielding the alkaloid veratrine, also CEBADILLA, SABADILLA.
DIVALENCEdivalence n. (Chemistry) The condition of being divalent.
DIVALENCE n. the state of being divalent, also DIVALENCY.
DIVALENCYdivalency n. (Chemistry) The condition of being divalent; divalence.
DIVALENCY n. the state of being divalent, also DIVALENCE.
LARVICIDElarvicide n. Any pesticide that attacks the larval stage of an insect.
larvicide v. (Transitive) To treat with larvicide.
LARVICIDE v. to kill larvae.
MIDCALVESmidcalves n. Plural of midcalf.
MIDCALF n. a garment reaching to middle of the calf.
OVIDUCTALoviductal adj. Of, pertaining to, or occurring in the oviduct.
OVIDUCTAL adj. relating to the oviduct, a passage conveying eggs to their place of fertilization, also OVIDUCAL.
VERIDICALveridical adj. True.
veridical adj. Pertaining to an experience, perception, or interpretation that accurately represents reality; as opposed…
VERIDICAL adj. truthful; corresponding to reality, also VERIDIC.
VICTUALEDvictualed v. Simple past tense and past participle of victual.
VICTUAL v. to provide with food, also VITTLE.
VIRICIDALviricidal adj. Of or pertaining to a viricide (killing of a husband).
viricidal adj. Alternative form of virucidal.
VIRICIDAL adj. relating to a viricide, a substance that destroys a virus, also VIRUCIDAL.
VIRUCIDALvirucidal adj. Killing or destroying viruses.
VIRUCIDAL adj. relating to a virucide, a substance that destroys a virus, also VIRICIDAL.
VISCOIDALviscoidal adj. Somewhat viscous.
VISCOIDAL adj. somewhat viscid, also VISCOID.
VOCALISEDvocalised v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of vocalise.
VOCALISE v. to produce with the voice, also VOCALIZE.
VOCALIZEDvocalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of vocalize.
VOCALIZE v. to produce with the voice, also VOCALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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