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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2D, R and U

ADDUCTORSadductors n. Plural of adductor.
ADDUCTOR n. an adducent muscle, one that draws towards a central axis.
ARCHDRUIDarchdruid n. (Celtic paganism) A chief druid.
ARCHDRUID n. a chief or presiding druid.
DOCUDRAMAdocudrama n. A type of drama (a film, a television show, or a play) that combines elements of documentary and drama…
docu-drama n. Alternative form of docudrama.
DOCUDRAMA n. a play or film representing real events.
DRUIDICALdruidical adj. Alternative form of Druidical.
Druidical adj. Druidic; pertaining to the Druids.
DRUIDICAL adj. pertaining to, or resembling, the Druids, also DRUIDIC.
DUCKBOARDduckboard n. One of a long series of boards laid from side to side as a path across wet or muddy ground; normally used in plural.
duckboard n. Wooden, low walkway or short part of a path with one or more planks, logs, or boards laid after each…
duckboard n. A panel of wooden slats typically lain on a concrete floor in a workshop. Compliance of slats arranged…
SCUDDALERSCUDDALER n. in Shetland, the leader of a band of guisers, also SCUDLER, SKUDLER.
SOUNDCARDsoundcard n. Alternative spelling of sound card.
sound␣card n. (Computer hardware) A computer hardware device used for generating and capturing sounds.
SOUNDCARD n. the card in a computer that produces audio.
UNDERCARDundercard n. A list of minor or supporting contests printed on the same bill as the main event (Primarily fighting…
undercard n. The events so listed.
undercard n. (Poker) A card lower than another given card or pair.
UNDERCLADunderclad adj. Inadequately clad; not wearing enough clothes.
UNDERCLAD adj. insufficiently clothed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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