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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2D, N and U

ADDUCTINGadducting v. Present participle of adduct.
ADDUCT v. to draw inward, esp. of muscles.
ADDUCTIONadduction n. The act of adducing or bringing forward.
adduction n. (Anatomy) The action by which the parts of the body are drawn towards its axis; -- opposed to abduction.
ADDUCTION n. the act of adducing or bringing forward.
ADUNCATEDaduncated adj. Alternative form of aduncate.
CLOUDLANDcloudland n. Dreamland, fantasy land.
CLOUDLAND n. an imaginary situation or land, esp. as the result of wishful thinking, also CLOUDTOWN.
DACHSHUNDdachshund n. A certain breed of dog having short legs and a long trunk, including standard-sized, miniature (smooth-haired…
DACHSHUND n. (German) a breed of dog.
DUPLICANDduplicand n. (Scotland, law) A doubling of the duty to be paid on a feu.
DUPLICAND n. something being duplicated.
JAUNDICEDjaundiced adj. (Pathology) Affected with jaundice.
jaundiced adj. (Figuratively) Prejudiced; envious.
JAUNDICE v. to prejudice unfavourably.
OUTDANCEDoutdanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of outdance.
OUTDANCE v. to surpass in dancing.
SOUNDCARDsoundcard n. Alternative spelling of sound card.
sound␣card n. (Computer hardware) A computer hardware device used for generating and capturing sounds.
SOUNDCARD n. the card in a computer that produces audio.
UNCANDLEDuncandled adj. Not having been candled.
UNCANDLED adj. not candled.
UNDECAYEDundecayed adj. Not having decayed.
UNDECAYED adj. not decayed.
UNDEFACEDundefaced adj. Not having been defaced.
UNDEFACED adj. not defaced.
UNDERCARDundercard n. A list of minor or supporting contests printed on the same bill as the main event (Primarily fighting…
undercard n. The events so listed.
undercard n. (Poker) A card lower than another given card or pair.
UNDERCLADunderclad adj. Inadequately clad; not wearing enough clothes.
UNDERCLAD adj. insufficiently clothed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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