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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, R, T and Y

AUTOCRACYautocracy n. (Uncountable) A form of government in which unlimited power is held by a single individual.
autocracy n. (Countable) An instance of this government.
AUTOCRACY n. government by one individual.
CARRYCOTScarrycots n. Plural of carrycot.
CARRYCOT n. a cot for carrying a baby in.
CRYPTICALcryptical adj. Cryptic.
CRYPTICAL adj. hidden, secret, also CRYPTIC.
CYBERCASTcybercast n. (Internet) A broadcast of audiovisual material over the Internet.
cybercast v. To broadcast a cybercast.
CYBERCAST n. a broadcast over the Internet.
CYSTOCARPcystocarp n. A minute vesicle in some seaweeds, containing the reproductive spores.
CYSTOCARP n. the fructification in red seaweeds.
DYSCRATICdyscratic adj. Of, relating to dyscrasy.
DYSCRATIC adj. relating to dyscrasia, a disordered condition of the body, also DYSCRASIC.
INTRICACYintricacy n. The state or quality of being intricate or entangled.
intricacy n. Perplexity.
intricacy n. Something which is intricate or complex.
MACROCYSTmacrocyst n. (Biology) An aggregate of cells of Dictyosteliida formed during sexual reproduction enclosed in a cellulose wall.
MACROCYST n. an unusually large cyst.
MACROCYTEmacrocyte n. (Hematology, cytology) an unusually large red blood cell that is associated with pernicious anemia.
MACROCYTE n. an abnormally large red blood corpuscle.
PROCACITYprocacity n. (Dated) forwardness; pertness; petulance; an instance of such.
PROCACITY n. forwardness, insolence, pertness.
RECYCLATErecyclate n. Raw material sent to, and processed in, a waste recycling plant or materials recovery facility.
RECYCLATE n. material that has been recycled.
THEOCRACYtheocracy n. Government under the control of a state religion.
theocracy n. Rule by a god.
THEOCRACY n. government by priests or by religious law.
TIMOCRACYtimocracy n. (Platonism) A form of government in which ambition for honor, power and military glory motivates the rulers.
timocracy n. (Aristotelianism) A form of government in which civic honor or political power increases with the amount…
TIMOCRACY n. a state in which possession of property is required for participation in government.
TRACHYTICtrachytic adj. (Geology) Relating to, or composed of trachyte.
TRACHYTIC adj. of, pertaining to, or resembling, trachyte, an igneous rock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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