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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, O and 2T

CATATONICcatatonic adj. (Medicine) Of, relating to, or suffering from catatonia; having a tendency to remain in a rigid state…
catatonic adj. (Figuratively) Motionless and unresponsive, as from shock; withdrawn.
catatonic n. (Medicine) A patient in a state of catatonia.
CATOPTRICcatoptric adj. Of, relating to, or produced by mirrors or reflections.
CATOPTRIC adj. relating to reflection, also CATOPTRICAL.
COARCTATEcoarctate adj. (Medicine) Pressed close together, constricted, narrowed, compressed.
coarctate adj. (Entomology) (of the pupa of certain flies) Enclosed in a rigid case formed by the larval cuticle or puparium.
coarctate v. (Obsolete) To press together; to crowd.
CONTACTEDcontacted v. Simple past tense and past participle of contact.
CONTACT v. to communicate with.
CONTACTEEcontactee n. A person who is contacted by someone.
contactee n. (Ufology, dated) A person who has been contacted by alien beings from outer space.
CONTACTEE n. a person contacted by aliens.
CONTACTORcontactor n. (Electrical engineering) A relay used to control an electrical power circuit.
CONTACTOR n. a device for repeatedly making or breaking an electric circuit.
CONTRACTScontracts n. Plural of contract.
contracts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of contract.
CONTRACT v. to decrease in size.
CORTICATEcorticate adj. Sheathed in bark or in a cortex.
corticate n. Any of the common ancestors of Plantae and Chromista (or chromalveolates or other grouping of similar organisms).
CORTICATE adj. having a special outer covering of a nature unlike the interior part, e.g. bark, also CORTICATED.
CUNCTATORcunctator n. One who delays or lingers.
CUNCTATOR n. (Latin) someone who delays or procrastinates.
GEOTACTICgeotactic adj. Of or pertaining to geotaxis.
GEOTACTIC adj. relating to geotaxis, the response of an organism to gravity, also GEOTACTICAL.
ISOTACTICisotactic adj. (Chemistry, of a polymer) Having substituents arranged in the same (rather than random) configuration…
ISOTACTIC adj. of a polymer, with its attached groups of atoms in a regular order on one side of the chain.
OCTASTICHoctastich n. A poem or strophe of eight verses or lines.
OCTASTICH n. a poem or stanza of eight lines, also OCTASTICHON.
RECONTACTrecontact v. To contact again.
RECONTACT v. to contact again.
STACCATOSstaccatos n. Plural of staccato.
STACCATO n. (Italian) a musical passage with each note detached.
STICCATOSSTICCATO n. (Italian) an instrument like a xylophone, also STICCADO.
STOCCATASstoccatas n. Plural of stoccata.
STOCCATA n. (Italian) a straight thrust with a rapier, also STOCCADO.
TOCCATINAtoccatina n. (Music) A short or simple toccata.
TOCCATINA n. a short toccata, a quick, fantasia-like musical composition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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