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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, I and 2R

ACRITARCHacritarch n. (Paleontology, palynology) Any small, non-acid-soluble (i.e. non-carbonate, non-siliceous) organic fossil…
ACRITARCH n. any of a group of fossil one-celled marine organisms.
ARCHICARParchicarp n. The female reproductive structure of an ascomycete.
ARCHICARP n. a female reproductive structure in certain types of fungi.
BRICABRACbricabrac n. Alternative form of bric-a-brac.
bric-a-brac n. Small ornaments and other miscellaneous display items of little value.
bric-a-brac n. (By extension) Any collection containing a variety of miscellaneous items; a hodgepodge, an olio.
CERCARIAEcercariae n. Plural of cercaria.
CERCARIA n. (Greek) the final larval stage of many trematode worms.
CERCARIALcercarial adj. Relating to, or characteristic of cercariae.
CERCARIAL adj. relating to a cercaria, the larval form of a trematode worm, also CERCARIAN.
CERCARIANcercarian adj. (Zoology) Of, like, or relating to the Cercariae.
cercarian n. (Zoology) One of the Cercariae.
CERCARIAN adj. relating to a cercaria, the larval form of a trematode worm, also CERCARIAL.
CERCARIAScercarias n. Plural of cercaria.
CERCARIA n. (Greek) the final larval stage of many trematode worms.
CHIRAGRICchiragric adj. Exhibiting or relating to chiragra.
CHIRAGRIC adj. relating to chiragra, gout in the hand, also CHIRAGRICAL.
CIRCULARScirculars n. Plural of circular.
circulars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circular.
CIRCULAR n. a leaflet intended for wide distribution.
CRACKLIERcracklier adj. Comparative form of crackly: more crackly.
CRACKLY adj. making a crackling noise.
CURRICULAcurricula n. Plural of curriculum.
CURRICULUM n. (Latin) a program of educational resources etc.
MICROCARDmicrocard n. A small card bearing a microreproduction of text, resembling the microfiche format but on cardboard…
microcard v. (Transitive) To transfer to microcard format.
MICROCARD n. a card representing some 200 or more pages of a book in microscopic print.
MICROCARSmicrocars n. Plural of microcar.
MICROCAR n. a compact small-engined car.
PRACTICERpracticer n. Alternative form of practiser.
PRACTICER n. one who practices, also PRACTISER.
RICERCAREricercare n. Alternative form of ricercar.
RICERCARE n. any of various contrapuntal instrumental forms esp. of the 16th and 17th centuries, also RICERCAR, RICERCATA.
RICERCARIricercari n. Plural of ricercare.
RICERCARE n. any of various contrapuntal instrumental forms esp. of the 16th and 17th centuries, also RICERCAR, RICERCATA.
RICERCARSricercars n. Plural of ricercar.
RICERCAR n. any of various contrapuntal instrumental forms esp. of the 16th and 17th centuries, also RICERCARE, RICERCATA.
RICERCATAricercata n. (Music) A very elaborate form of fugue.
RICERCATA n. any of various contrapuntal instrumental forms esp. of the 16th and 17th centuries, also RICERCAR, RICERCARE.
RICKRACKSrickracks n. Plural of rickrack.
RICKRACK n. a braid used in trimming, also RICRAC.
TRICTRACSTRICTRAC n. a form of backgammon in which pegs as well as pieces are used, also TRICKTRACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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