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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, I, M and U

ACICULUMSaciculums n. Plural of aciculum.
ACICULUM n. (Latin) a bristlelike part.
CACIQUISMcaciquism n. The political influence of caciques in Latin America.
CACIQUISM n. government by a cacique, a West Indian or American Indian chief.
CACUMINALcacuminal adj. Pertaining to a point, top, or crown.
cacuminal adj. (Linguistics, phonology) Pronounced using a retroflexed tongue.
cacuminal n. (Linguistics, phonology) A sound pronounced using a retroflexed tongue.
CANTICUMSCANTICUM n. (Latin) a canticle, a part-song in an ancient play.
CAPSICUMScapsicums n. Plural of capsicum.
CAPSICUM n. a plant yielding (e.g. red or green) peppers; its fruit.
DICALCIUMdicalcium n. (Chemistry) Two atoms of calcium in a compound.
DICALCIUM adj. as in dicalcium silicate, a calcium silicate that is an essential ingredient of portland cement.
LEUCAEMICleucaemic adj. Alternative form of leukaemic.
LEUCAEMIC adj. of or like leucemia, a type of cancer, also LEUKAEMIC.
MICACEOUSmicaceous adj. Of, pertaining to, consisting of, containing or resembling mica.
micaceous adj. (Figuratively) sparkling; brilliant.
MICACEOUS adj. consisting of or made of mica.
PRACTICUMpracticum n. (US) A college course designed to give a student supervised practical knowledge of a subject previously…
practicum n. (US) A science exam in which students are questioned about specimens or other objects placed in front of them.
PRACTICUM n. (Latin) a course of practical work undertaken to implement academic studies.
VACCINIUMvaccinium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Vaccinium of ericaceous shrubs including the various kinds of blueberries…
Vaccinium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ericaceae – shrubs including the cranberry, blueberry, bilberry…
VACCINIUM n. (Latin) a genus of ericaceous shrubs including the various kinds of blueberries and the true cranberries.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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