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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, I, M and P

APOMICTICapomictic adj. (Botany, zoology) Of, pertaining to, or characterised by apomixis.
APOMICTIC adj. relating to apomixis, nonsexual reproduction, from an unfertilized ovum, also APOMICTICAL.
CAMPHORICcamphoric adj. Containing, or derived from camphor.
CAMPHORIC adj. pertaining to camphor, a solid essential oil derived from camphor laurel.
CAPSICUMScapsicums n. Plural of capsicum.
CAPSICUM n. a plant yielding (e.g. red or green) peppers; its fruit.
COPRAEMICcopraemic adj. Alternative form of copremic.
COPRAEMIC adj. relating to copraemia, a form of blood poisoning, also COPREMIC.
ECLAMPTICeclamptic adj. Of or pertaining to eclampsia.
eclamptic n. One who suffers from eclampsia.
ECLAMPTIC adj. relating to eclampsia, a symptom of epilepsy.
IMPECCANTimpeccant adj. Without sin; impeccable.
IMPECCANT adj. sinless; impeccable.
INCOMPACTincompact adj. Not compact; not having the parts firmly united; incoherent or loose.
INCOMPACT adj. not compact.
PANCOSMICpancosmic adj. Throughout the cosmos.
pancosmic adj. Of or relating to pancosmism.
PANCOSMIC adj. pertaining to pancosmism, the theory that the material universe is all that exists.
PANMICTICpanmictic adj. Of, or pertaining to panmixia.
PANMICTIC adj. connected with or exhibiting panmixia, cessation of the influence of natural selection.
PRACTICUMpracticum n. (US) A college course designed to give a student supervised practical knowledge of a subject previously…
practicum n. (US) A science exam in which students are questioned about specimens or other objects placed in front of them.
PRACTICUM n. (Latin) a course of practical work undertaken to implement academic studies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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