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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, I, L and P

ACEPHALICacephalic adj. Without a head.
acephalic adj. (Medicine, of a headache, dated) Characterized by a migraine aura without pain.
acephalic adj. Without a leader.
CAPICOLLAcapicolla n. Alternative form of capicola.
CAPICOLLA n. (Italian) a traditional Italian cold cut of pork, also CAPICOLLO.
CAPICOLLOcapicollo n. Alternative form of capicola.
CAPICOLLO n. (Italian) a traditional Italian cold cut of pork, also CAPICOLLA.
CEPHALICSCEPHALIC n. a headache remedy, also KEPHALIC.
CLICKWRAPclickwrap n. (Uncountable) Clickwrap licenses generally.
clickwrap n. (Countable, rare) A clickwrap license.
click-wrap n. Alternative spelling of clickwrap.
CRYPTICALcryptical adj. Cryptic.
CRYPTICAL adj. hidden, secret, also CRYPTIC.
CYCLOPIANcyclopian adj. Alternative form of cyclopean.
CYCLOPIAN adj. relating to a prehistoric Greek style of masonry with immense stones of irregular form, also CYCLOPEAN.
ECLAMPTICeclamptic adj. Of or pertaining to eclampsia.
eclamptic n. One who suffers from eclampsia.
ECLAMPTIC adj. relating to eclampsia, a symptom of epilepsy.
OCCIPITALoccipital adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or located within or near the occiput (back of the head) or the occipital bone.
occipital n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of occipital bone..
occipital n. (Zootomy) An occipital scale in reptiles.
PACHALICSpachalics n. Plural of pachalic.
PACHALIC n. (Turkish) the territory of a pasha, also PASHALIK, PASHALIC.
PACIFICALpacifical adj. Alternative form of pacific.
PACIFICAL adj. pacific, esp. in Letters pacifical, letters recommending the bearer as being one at peace with the church.
PEDOCALICpedocalic adj. Of or relating to a pedocal.
PEDOCALIC adj. of or like pedocal, a generic term used to describe the soils typically found in an arid or semiarid region.
PHYLACTICphylactic adj. (Medicine) That protects (against disease).
phylactic adj. Relating to phylaxis.
phylactic n. A protection against disease.
PICCADILLpiccadill n. (Historical) A large, broad lace collar from the 17th century.
PICCADILL n. (obsolete) a cut or vandyked edging, esp. to a woman's collar, also PICCADILLO, PICKADIL, PICKADILL, PICKADILLO.
PLACEKICKplacekick n. (In several forms of football) A kick of the ball from a stationary position.
placekick v. (In several forms of football) To kick the ball from a stationary position, especially as a means of…
place-kick v. Alternative form of placekick.
PRACTICALpractical adj. Relating to, or based on, practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis.
practical adj. Being likely to be effective and applicable to a real situation; able to be put to use.
practical adj. Of a person, having skills or knowledge that are practical.
PRECOCIALprecocial adj. (Zoology, of birds) Hatched from the egg already covered in down and with eyes open; capable of leaving…
PRECOCIAL adj. of or relating to birds whose young are hatched with a covering of down and can leave the nest at once to seek food.
PRECOCIAL n. a bird having such young, also PRAECOCIAL.
PSYCHICALpsychical adj. Performed by or pertaining to the mind or spirit; mental, psychic.
psychical adj. (Theology) Pertaining to the animal nature of man, as opposed to the spirit.
psychical adj. Outside the realm of the physical; supernatural, psychic.
SCEPTICALsceptical adj. Britain standard spelling of skeptical.
SCEPTICAL adj. inclined to questioning and disbelief, also SKEPTICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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