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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, G, I and L

ACCLOYINGaccloying v. Present participle of accloy.
ACCLOY v. (Spenser) to injure with a horseshoe nail; to clog, choke.
CALCIFUGEcalcifuge n. Any plant that does not thrive in a soil rich in lime or chalk.
CALCIFUGE n. a plant that will not tolerate limy soil.
CALCININGcalcining v. Present participle of calcine.
CALCINE v. to reduce to a calx by heating.
CANCELINGcanceling v. Present participle of cancel.
CANCEL v. to cause not to happen.
CATALOGICcatalogic adj. Pertaining to or consisting of a catalogue.
CATALOGIC adj. of or like a catalog.
CAUSALGICcausalgic adj. Relating to causalgia.
CAUSALGIC adj. relating to causalgia, a constant burning pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve.
CLATCHINGclatching v. Present participle of clatch.
CLATCH v. (Scots) to dabble or work into a miry matter.
CRACKLINGcrackling n. (Cooking, often in the plural, US) Fat that, after roasting a joint, hardens and crispens.
crackling n. (Cooking, in the singular in Britain) The crispy rind of roast pork.
crackling n. (Cooking, countable) A crispy, fried skin or rind, especially of pork.
GALACTICOgalactico n. (Soccer) A football superstar.
GALACTICO n. an internationally famous footballer.
GIGACYCLEgigacycle n. (Obsolete) Synonym of gigahertz.
GIGACYCLE n. one billion hertz.
GLYCAEMICglycaemic adj. Alternative spelling of glycemic.
GLYCAEMIC adj. of or like glycaemia, excessive sugar in the blood, also GLYCEMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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