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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, D, L and O

ACCOLADEDaccoladed v. Simple past tense and past participle of accolade.
accoladed adj. Having been the subject of accolade(s); having won awards, received honors or been commended.
ACCOLADE v. to give an accolade.
ACCOLADESaccolades n. Plural of accolade.
accolades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accolade.
ACCOLADE v. to give an accolade.
CACODYLICcacodylic adj. Of or pertaining to cacodylic acid or its derivatives.
CACODYLIC adj. of, pertaining to, or derived from, cacodyl, a colorless, poisonous, arsenical liquid.
CALCEDONYcalcedony n. Alternative form of chalcedony.
CALCEDONY n. a form of quartz, microscopically fibrous with waxy luster, also CHALCEDONY.
CARACOLEDcaracoled v. Simple past tense and past participle of caracole.
CARACOLE v. (French) to perform a half turn on a horse, also CARACOL.
CLOCHARDSclochards n. Plural of clochard.
CLOCHARD n. (French) a beggar; a vagrant.
CLOGDANCEclog␣dance n. Any dance performed while wearing clogs, producing a percussive sound.
CLOGDANCE n. a dance performed with clogs, the clatter keeping time to the music.
COACHLOADcoachload n. As much or as many as can fill a coach.
COACHLOAD n. the passengers of a coach taken collectively.
COALESCEDcoalesced v. Simple past tense and past participle of coalesce.
COALESCE v. to blend.
COCCOIDALcoccoidal adj. Characteristic of a coccus.
COCCOIDAL adj. like a coccoid, a spherical cell or body.
COLOCATEDcolocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of colocate.
co-located v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-locate.
COLOCATE v. to group housing units together.
CONCEALEDconcealed v. Simple past tense and past participle of conceal.
CONCEAL v. to hide.
CONCORDALconcordal adj. (Grammar) of or pertaining to concord.
CONCORDAL adj. relating to a concord.
CYCLOIDALcycloidal adj. Pertaining to or resembling a cycloid, or a circle.
CYCLOIDAL adj. of or like a cycloid, a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls along a straight line.
DICACODYLdicacodyl n. Cacodyl.
DICACODYL n. an oily poisonous liquid, aka cacodyl.
DULOCRACYdulocracy n. A government where servants and slaves have so much license and privilege that they domineer; predominance of slaves.
DULOCRACY n. a government formed of privileged slaves, also DOULOCRACY.
PEDOCALICpedocalic adj. Of or relating to a pedocal.
PEDOCALIC adj. of or like pedocal, a generic term used to describe the soils typically found in an arid or semiarid region.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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