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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, 3C, I and O

BECCAFICObeccafico n. A small bird, Sylvia hortensis, the figpecker.
BECCAFICO n. (Italian) a garden warbler or related bird, considered a delicacy by Italians.
BOCACCIOSbocaccios n. Plural of bocaccio.
BOCACCIO n. a rockfish.
CACODYLICcacodylic adj. Of or pertaining to cacodylic acid or its derivatives.
CACODYLIC adj. of, pertaining to, or derived from, cacodyl, a colorless, poisonous, arsenical liquid.
CACOETHICcacoethic adj. Ill-conditioned, malignant; cacoethical.
cacoethic adj. (Medicine, obsolete) Of or pertaining to a cacoethes (a malignant tumour or ulcer).
cacoëthic adj. Alternative form of cacoethic.
CACOGENICcacogenic adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to cacogenesis.
cacogenic adj. (Archaic) Tending toward racial deterioration through bad sexual selection.
CACOGENIC adj. reducing the quality of a race.
CALCICOLEcalcicole n. Any plant that thrives in a soil rich in lime or chalk, but cannot tolerate acidic conditions.
CALCICOLE n. a plant thriving on limy soil.
CAPOCCHIACAPOCCHIA n. (Shakespeare) a simpleton, also CHIPOCHIA.
CAPRICCIOcapriccio n. A sudden and unexpected or fantastic motion; a caper (from same etymology, see below); a gambol; a prank, a trick.
capriccio n. A fantastical thing or work.
capriccio n. (Painting) A type of landscape painting that places particular works of architecture in an unusual setting.
CAPUCCIOScapuccios n. Plural of capuccio.
CAPUCCIO n. (Spenser) a cloak hood, also CAPOUCH, CAPUCHE.
CARPACCIOcarpaccio n. Thinly sliced raw beef or tuna, usually served as an appetizer.
CARPACCIO n. (Italian) an hors d'oeuvre made of thin strips of raw meat or fish, often eaten with a relish.
COCCIDIANcoccidian n. Any protozoan of the subclass Coccidia.
COCCIDIAN n. any of a group of parasitic protozoa.
COCCOIDALcoccoidal adj. Characteristic of a coccus.
COCCOIDAL adj. like a coccoid, a spherical cell or body.
COCCYGIANcoccygian adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the coccyx.
COCCYGIAN adj. relating to the coccyx, the tailbone, also COCCYGEAL.
COPACETICcopacetic adj. (US, slang) Fine, excellent, OK, in excellent order.
COPACETIC adj. (US colloquial) sound, adequate, excellent, also COPASETIC, COPESETIC, COPESETTIC, KOPASETIC.
FOCACCIASfocaccias n. Plural of focaccia.
FOCACCIA n. (Italian) a flat Italian bread.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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