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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, B, O, P, S and Y

HYPOBLASThypoblast n. (Embryology) A type of tissue that forms from the inner cell mass and later is incorporated into the endoderm.
HYPOBLAST n. the inner or lower layer of the blastoderm.
OPPOSABLYopposably adv. In an opposable manner.
OPPOSABLE adv. that can be opposed.
PAPERBOYSpaperboys n. Plural of paperboy.
PAPERBOY n. a newsboy.
PLAYBOOKSplaybooks n. Plural of playbook.
PLAYBOOK n. a printed book of plays.
POLYBASICpolybasic adj. (Chemistry, of an acid) containing two or more replaceable hydrogen atoms; see also polyprotic.
polybasic adj. (Chemistry, of a salt) having two or more atoms of a univalent metal.
polybasic adj. (Chemistry, of a base) Having two or more basic groups; see also polybase and polyprotic.
SAPROBITYsaprobity n. (Ecology) A measure of the amount of decaying organic material in an environment such as a river.
SAPROBITY n. the state of being a saprobe.
SOAPBERRYsoapberry n. Any woody plant of the genus Sapindus, which is eponymous of the Sapindaceae family.
soapberry n. The fruit of such a plant, especially of the tree Sapindus saponaria.
SOAPBERRY n. any tree of the genus Sapindus, the fleshy part of whose fruit is used instead of soap in washing linen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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