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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, N, 2R and T

ABERRANTSaberrants n. Plural of aberrant.
ABERRANT n. one who commits an aberration.
ABHORRENTabhorrent adj. (Archaic) Inconsistent with, or far removed from, something; strongly opposed.
abhorrent adj. Contrary to something; discordant.
abhorrent adj. Abhorring; detesting; having or showing abhorrence; loathing.
AFTERBURNafterburn n. The burning of further calories after the end of a period of vigorous exercise.
afterburn n. (Sociology) The practice of criticizing a person after they have left, or stopped contributing to the conversation.
AFTERBURN n. the burning of additional calories post-exercise.
BANTERERSbanterers n. Plural of banterer.
BANTERER n. one who banters or rallies.
BARNSTORMbarnstorm v. To travel around the countryside making political speeches etc.
barnstorm v. (US) To appear at fairs and carnivals in exhibitions of stunt flying, sporting events, or theater.
barnstorm v. (US, of a sports team) To travel from town to town performing in front of small crowds.
BARRATINGBARRAT v. to quarrel, especially at law.
BARRENESTbarrenest adj. Superlative form of barren: most barren.
BARREN adj. unproductive.
BARTENDERbartender n. One who tends a bar or pub; a person preparing and serving drinks at a bar.
BARTENDER n. one who tends a bar.
BARTERINGbartering v. Present participle of barter.
bartering n. Barter.
BARTER v. to trade by exchange.
BRAINFARTbrainfart n. Alternative form of brain fart.
brain-fart n. Alternative form of brain fart.
brain␣fart n. (Figuratively, slang, mildly vulgar) Something ill-considered and said or done impulsively.
BRANDRETHbrandreth n. (Now historical) A tripod or stand for a cask, a haystack, etc.
brandreth n. (Obsolete) A railing around a well.
Brandreth prop.n. A surname.
EARTHBORNearthborn adj. Born or produced on the planet Earth.
EARTHBORN adj. born from or on the earth.
HEARTBURNheartburn n. (Pathology) A burning pain in the chest that is caused by stomach acid entering the gullet.
heart-burn n. Alternative form of heartburn.
HEARTBURN n. a burning, acrid feeling in the throat or breast, severe indigestion, cardialgia.
LATERBORNlaterborn adj. That was born later than another.
LATERBORN n. someone born later.
ROBORANTSroborants n. Plural of roborant.
ROBORANT n. an invigorating drug.
STERNEBRAsternebra n. (Anatomy) One of the segments of the sternum.
STERNEBRA n. one of the segments of the sternum.
TEREBRANTterebrant adj. (Zoology, of an insect) That bores.
terebrant n. (Zoology) Any insect that bores.
TEREBRANT adj. boring, having a piercing ovipositor.
TRIBUNARYtribunary adj. Of or pertaining to tribunes.
TRIBUNARY adj. relating to a tribune.
TURRIBANTturribant n. Obsolete form of turban.
TURRIBANT n. (Spenser) a turban.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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