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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, B, L, 2O and P

BLASTOPORBLASTOPOR n. the opening of the archenteron in the gastrula that develops into the anus of some animals, also BLASTOPORE.
BOLOGRAPHBOLOGRAPH n. a record made by a bolometer, an instrument for measuring radiant energy.
BOOKPLATEbookplate n. A printed piece of paper pasted on one of the pages of a book, most often on the inside front cover…
bookplate v. (Transitive) To affix a bookplate to (a book).
BOOKPLATE n. a label usually pasted inside the cover of a book, bearing the owner's name or other distinguishing information.
HALOPHOBEhalophobe n. (Biology) Any halophobic organism.
HALOPHOBE n. a plant that cannot survive in salty soil.
OPOBALSAMopobalsam n. (Medicine, obsolete) The aromatic resinous juice of Balsamodendron opobalsamum (balm of Gilead).
OPOBALSAM n. balm of Gilead, the resinous exudation of certain trees.
OPPOSABLEopposable adj. Susceptible to being opposed or resisted.
opposable adj. Capable of being placed opposite something else.
OPPOSABLE adj. that can be opposed.
OPPOSABLYopposably adv. In an opposable manner.
OPPOSABLE adv. that can be opposed.
PASODOBLEpasodoble n. Alternative form of paso doble (dance; music).
paso␣doble n. A fast Spanish ballroom dance in double time.
paso␣doble n. The music for such a dance, or for a march; used especially at bullfights.
PLAYBOOKSplaybooks n. Plural of playbook.
PLAYBOOK n. a printed book of plays.
PROLABOURPROLABOUR adj. favouring an organized labour movement, also PROLABOR.
PSALMBOOKpsalmbook n. A book of psalms.
PSALMBOOK n. a book of psalms.
SCOOPABLEscoopable adj. That can be scooped.
SCOOPABLE adj. that can be scooped.
STOOPBALLstoopball n. (Games) A game played by bouncing a ball off a step or stoop.
stoop␣ball n. Alternative spelling of stoopball.
STOOPBALL n. a variation of baseball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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