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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, B, 3L and O

ALBARELLOalbarello n. A ceramic pharmacy or drug jar, generally majolica ware, usually tall rather than wide, and often of a waisted shape.
ALBARELLO n. (Italian) a cylindrical jar used to hold drugs.
ALLOCABLEallocable adj. Able to be allocated.
ALLOCABLE adj. that can be allocated, also ALLOCATABLE.
ALLOWABLEallowable adj. Appropriate; satisfactory; acceptable.
allowable adj. Intellectually admissible; valid; probable.
allowable adj. Able to be added or deducted in consideration of something.
ALLOWABLYallowably adv. In an allowable manner.
ALLOWABLE adv. that can be allowed.
BLACKPOLLblackpoll n. A North American warbler, Dendroica striata, the male of which has a black patch on its head.
BLACKPOLL n. a warbler of the United States.
BLOWBALLSblowballs n. Plural of blowball.
BLOWBALL n. a fluffy seed ball.
COALBALLScoalballs n. Plural of coalball.
coal␣balls n. Plural of coal ball.
COALBALL n. a calcareous nodule found in coal.
GOALBALLSGOALBALL n. a game for the sight impaired.
LABELLOIDlabelloid adj. Of or pertaining to the labellum, the lower central petal of the orchid.
LABELLOID adj. liplike.
LOBULARLYlobularly adv. In a lobular manner.
LOBULAR adv. shaped like a lobe.
LOWBALLEDlowballed v. Simple past tense and past participle of lowball.
LOWBALL v. to give a customer a deceptively low price.
STOOLBALLstoolball n. Alternative form of stool-ball.
stool-ball n. An old country game, similar in some respects to cricket and rounders, and chiefly played by young men…
stool-ball n. A ball used in the game of stool-ball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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