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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, B, H, N, O and T

ABHORRENTabhorrent adj. (Archaic) Inconsistent with, or far removed from, something; strongly opposed.
abhorrent adj. Contrary to something; discordant.
abhorrent adj. Abhorring; detesting; having or showing abhorrence; loathing.
AITCHBONEaitchbone n. A cut of beef lying above the rump bone.
aitchbone n. The rump bone itself.
aitch-bone n. Alternative form of aitchbone.
AUTOBAHNSautobahns n. Plural of autobahn.
AUTOBAHN n. (German) a motorway.
BIATHLONSbiathlons n. Plural of biathlon.
BIATHLON n. a competition in cross-country skiing and shooting.
EARTHBORNearthborn adj. Born or produced on the planet Earth.
EARTHBORN adj. born from or on the earth.
HALOBIONThalobiont n. (Biology) an organism that lives in a salty environment.
HALOBIONT n. an organism living in a salt environment.
INHABITORinhabitor n. One who inhabits.
INHABITOR n. one who inhabits, also INHABITER.
JOHNBOATSjohnboats n. Plural of johnboat.
JOHNBOAT n. a narrow square-ended boat.
NOTCHBACKnotchback n. A motor car whose rear window makes an angle with its back segment.
NOTCHBACK n. a car whose roof does not slope continuously from the roof to the bumper, but juts out from the bottom of the rear window.
STENOBATHstenobath adj. Alternative form of stenobathic.
STENOBATH n. a stenobathic organism.
THENABOUTthenabout adv. (Obsolete) Alternative form of thenabouts.
THENABOUT adv. at about that time, also THENABOUTS.
THORNBACKthornback n. Any animal with a thorny back, especially marine animals, such as…
thornback n. (Archaic) A woman over a certain age (variously 26 or 30) who has never married, older than a spinster.
THORNBACK n. a kind of skate having thornlike spines on its back, aka roker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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