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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, B, H, L, N and U

BAUCHLINGbauchling v. Present participle of bauchle.
BAUCHLE v. (Scots) to make shapeless, bungle.
BLUNTHEADBLUNTHEAD n. a frequent user of marijuana.
BRUSHLANDbrushland n. An area mostly covered with brush growth.
BRUSHLAND n. an area covered with brush growth.
BUSHELMANbushelman n. (US, dialect) A tailor’s assistant for repairing garments.
BUSHELMAN n. one who bushels, mends and alters men's clothes, also BUSHELER, BUSHELLER.
BUSHLANDSbushlands n. Plural of bushland.
BUSHLAND n. unsettled forest land.
CLUBHANDSclubhands n. Plural of clubhand.
CLUBHAND n. a deformed hand.
HUSBANDLYhusbandly adj. Characteristic of a husband; proper and fitting for a husband; marital.
husbandly adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a husbandman or husbandry.
husbandly adj. (Obsolete) Frugal; economical.
MUNCHABLEmunchable adj. Capable of being munched; edible; snackable.
munchable n. (Informal) Anything edible; a snack.
MUNCHABLE adj. that can be munched.
NAILBRUSHnailbrush n. A small brush, with firm bristles, used to clean the fingernails or to scrub the hands.
nailbrush v. (Transitive) To scrub with a nailbrush.
NAILBRUSH n. a brush for cleaning the nails.
PUNCHBALLpunchball n. A simplified version of the sport of baseball, where players use their fists as a bat and a softer ball.
punchball n. The soft ball used in this sport.
PUNCHBALL n. a suspended ball used for boxing practice.
SHRUBLANDshrubland n. (Mostly plural) Land that is covered mostly with shrubs.
SHRUBLAND n. land covered by shrubs.
SHUNNABLEshunnable adj. Fit for, or capable, deserving, or worthy of, being shunned.
SHUNNABLE adj. that can be shunned.
THUMBNAILthumbnail n. The fingernail on the thumb.
thumbnail n. A rough sketch (e.g., the size of one’s thumbnail).
thumbnail n. (Chiefly computing) A small picture, used as a compact representation of a larger image.
UNBASHFULunbashful adj. Not bashful.
UNBASHFUL adj. not bashful or modest.
UNHIRABLEunhirable adj. That cannot be hired; unsuitable for hiring.
unhirable n. One who cannot be hired; an unsuitable employee.
UNHIRABLE adj. not hirable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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