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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, B, H, I and 2R

ABHORRINGabhorring n. Detestation.
abhorring n. A detested thing.
abhorring v. Present participle of abhor.
BIRCHBARKbirchbark n. The bark of the birch tree, especially the white bark of the paper birch, Betula papyrifera.
birchbark n. A piece of this bark, formerly used for writing on.
BIRCHBARK n. the bark of the birch tree.
BIRTHMARKbirthmark n. A mark on the skin formed before birth.
BIRTHMARK n. a mark, e.g. a pigmented area or spot, on one's body at birth.
BIRTHRATEbirthrate n. The ratio of total live births to total population for a specific community or nation in a specified…
birth␣rate n. Alternative spelling of birthrate.
BIRTHRATE n. the proportion of live births to population.
BRANCHIERbranchier adj. Comparative form of branchy: more branchy.
BRANCHY adj. having many branches.
BREATHIERbreathier adj. Comparative form of breathy: more breathy.
BREATHY adj. marked by loud breathing.
CHARBROILcharbroil v. To cook on a flat, lined metal surface that is heated from below; to chargrill.
CHARBROIL v. to broil over charcoal.
HAIRBRUSHhairbrush n. A brush used in hair care for brushing, tidying, and detangling hair.
hairbrush v. (Transitive) To spank with a hairbrush.
hair-brush n. Alternative form of hairbrush.
HARBINGERharbinger n. A person or thing that foreshadows or foretells the coming of someone or something.
harbinger n. (Obsolete) One who provides lodgings; especially, the officer of the English royal household who formerly…
harbinger v. (Transitive) To announce or precede; to be a harbinger of.
HARBORINGharboring v. Present participle of harbor.
HARBOR v. to shelter, also HARBOUR.
HERBARIALherbarial adj. Relating to a herbarium.
HERBARIAL adj. relating to a herbarium, a collection of preserved plants and herbs.
HERBARIANherbarian n. (Archaic) A herbalist.
HERBARIAN n. a herbalist.
HERBARIESherbaries n. Plural of herbary.
HERBARY n. a garden of herbs.
HERBARIUMherbarium n. A collection of dried plants or parts of plants.
herbarium n. A building or institution where such a collection is kept.
HERBARIUM n. a collection of preserved plants and herbs.
HERBIVORAHerbivora prop.n. (Archaic) An informal grouping of the plant-eating mammals.
Herbivora prop.n. (Obsolete) A former grouping of mammals that included non-marsupial flesh-eaters.
HERBIVORA n. an extensive division of Mammalia, comprising animals that feed almost exclusively upon vegetation.
TRIBRACHStribrachs n. Plural of tribrach.
TRIBRACH n. a poetic foot of three short syllables.
VIBRAHARPvibraharp n. The vibraphone.
VIBRAHARP n. an instrument having metal bars under which are electrically-operated resonators, played by striking the bars with small hammers, also VIBRAPHONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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