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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, 2P and R

APPROBATEapprobate adj. Approved.
approbate v. (Transitive) To give official sanction, consent or authorization to.
APPROBATE v. to approve expressly or formally.
BAGPIPERSbagpipers n. Plural of bagpiper.
BAGPIPER n. one who plays the bagpipes.
BARHOPPEDbarhopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of barhop.
bar␣hopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bar hop.
BARHOP v. to go from one bar to another.
BEWRAPPEDbewrapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bewrap.
BEWRAP v. to wrap completely.
CRABAPPLEcrabapple n. Any of the wild species of apple tree, genus Malus, which generally yield small, bitter fruit (in comparison…
crabapple n. The fruit of this tree.
crabapple n. An unpleasant person; a person who is crabby.
DROPPABLEdroppable adj. Capable of being dropped (especially by an aircraft).
droppable n. (Graphical user interface) A component onto which the user can drag other items; a drop target.
DROPPABLE adj. that can be dropped.
PALPEBRAEpalpebrae n. Plural of palpebra.
palpebræ n. Plural of palpebra.
PALPEBRA n. (Latin) the eyelid.
PALPEBRALpalpebral adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or located on or near the eyelids.
palpebral n. (Zootomy) A dermal bone found near the eye socket of some animals.
PALPEBRAL adj. of or relating to the palpebra, the eyelid.
PALPEBRASPALPEBRA n. (Latin) the eyelid.
PAPERBACKpaperback n. A book with flexible binding.
paperback adj. (Of a book) Having flexible binding.
paperback v. (Transitive, publishing) To issue or publish (a book) in a paperback edition.
PAPERBARKpaperbark n. Any of several Australian plants, of the genus Melaleuca, that have flaky bark.
PAPERBARK n. an Australian tree with spear-shaped leaves and a papery bark.
PAPERBOYSpaperboys n. Plural of paperboy.
PAPERBOY n. a newsboy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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