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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, O, T and Y

AFTERBODYafterbody n. The afterpart of a vehicle.
afterbody n. (Nautical) The part of a vessel abaft midships.
afterbody n. (Astronomy) A companion body that trails a satellite or spacecraft.
AMBROTYPEambrotype n. (Photography, historical) An early type of photograph in which a glass negative appears positive when…
AMBROTYPE n. a picture taken on a plate of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades are produced by a dark background visible through the un-silvered portions of the glass.
AMEBOCYTEamebocyte n. Alternative spelling of amoebocyte.
AMEBOCYTE n. a cell, like a leukocyte, having amoeboid form, also AMOEBOCYTE.
BAROMETRYbarometry n. The art or process of making barometrical measurements.
BAROMETRY n. the art or process of making barometrical measurements.
BARONETCYbaronetcy n. The rank of a baronet.
BARONETCY n. the office of a baronet.
BARYTONESbarytones n. Plural of barytone.
BARYTONE n. a deep male voice, also BARITONE.
BAYONETEDbayoneted v. (US) simple past tense and past participle of bayonet.
bayoneted adj. (US) Alternative form of bayonetted.
BAYONET v. to stab with a daggerlike weapon.
BELLYBOATbellyboat n. Alternative form of belly boat.
belly␣boat n. Synonym of float tube (“small inflatable fishing craft”).
BELLYBOAT n. a water safety device, chiefly used in angling, consisting of a large, circular inflated rubber tube attached around a person's waist.
BIOSAFETYbiosafety n. Protection from potential harm from biological agents, such as infectious microbes or modified genes.
BIOSAFETY n. safety with respect to the effects of biological research.
FERRYBOATferryboat n. (Nautical) A boat used to ferry passengers, vehicles, or goods across open water, especially one that…
ferry-boat n. Alternative form of ferryboat.
ferry␣boat n. Alternative form of ferryboat.
GEOBOTANYgeobotany n. The branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species.
GEOBOTANY n. the geographical study of plant distribution, aka phytogeography.
HYLOBATEShylobates n. Plural of hylobate.
Hylobates prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hylobatidae – gibbons.
HYLOBATE n. any species of the genus Hylobates; a gibbon, or long-armed ape.
MOLYBDATEmolybdate n. (Chemistry) The anion MoO42-.
molybdate n. (Chemistry) Any salt of molybdic acid.
MOLYBDATE n. a salt of molybdic acid.
OBOVATELYobovately adv. In an obovate manner.
OBOVATE adv. of a leaf, egg-shaped in outline, with the narrow end next to the base.
STABLEBOYstableboy n. Alternative form of stable boy.
stable-boy n. Alternative spelling of stable boy.
stable␣boy n. A boy or young man who attends in a stable.
STYLOBATEstylobate n. (Classical Greek architecture) The top step of the crepidoma, i.e. the platform upon which the superstructure…
STYLOBATE n. (Greek) a continuous pedestal supporting a row of columns.
TALBOTYPEtalbotype n. An early photograph produced on paper coated with silver iodide.
TALBOTYPE n. (tradename) a method of taking photographic pictures, on paper sensitized with iodide of silver, aka calotype, kalotype.
TOLERABLYtolerably adv. In a tolerable manner; to an extent that can be tolerated.
tolerably adv. (Dated) Reasonably; acceptably; somewhat.
TOLERABLE adv. that can be tolerated.
YOTTABYTEyottabyte n. (Computing) One septillion (1024) bytes. SI symbol: YB.
YOTTABYTE n. a very large unit of computer memory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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