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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, N and 2O

AEROBIONTaerobiont n. (Biology) Any organism that needs air (oxygen) to survive.
AEROBIONT n. an aerobe, an organism requiring oxygen to survive.
BABOONERYbaboonery n. Baboonish behavior.
BABOONERY n. baboonish behavior.
BALLOONEDballooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of balloon.
BALLOON v. to swell out.
BANDOLEONbandoleon n. Alternative spelling of bandoneon.
BANDOLEON n. a kind of button accordion popular in South America, also BANDONEON, BANDONION.
BANDOLERObandolero n. An outlaw or bandit, especially in Spain or Mexico.
BANDOLERO n. (Spanish) a highwayman.
BANDONEONbandoneon n. (Music) A small Latin American accordion played with buttons which is frequently used in tango ensembles.
BANDONEON n. a kind of button accordion popular in South America, also BANDOLEON, BANDONION.
BIOWEAPONbioweapon n. Any weapon designed to be used in biological warfare.
BIOWEAPON n. a biological weapon.
BOOGERMANboogerman n. Alternative form of bogeyman.
BOOGERMAN n. a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread, also BOGEY, BOGEYMAN, BOGY, BOGYMAN, BOOGEYMAN, BOOGIEMAN, BOOGYMAN.
BOOGEYMANboogeyman n. Alternative form of bogeyman.
Boogeyman n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOOGEYMAN n. a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread, also BOGEY, BOGEYMAN, BOGY, BOGYMAN, BOOGERMAN, BOOGIEMAN, BOOGYMAN.
BOOGIEMANboogieman n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOOGIEMAN n. a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread, also BOGEY, BOGEYMAN, BOGY, BOGYMAN, BOOGERMAN, BOOGEYMAN, BOOGYMAN.
BOOMERANGboomerang n. A flat curved airfoil that spins about an axis perpendicular to the direction of flight, originally…
boomerang n. A breakdancing move in which the performer walks on their hands while keeping the legs raised off the ground.
boomerang n. (Australian rules football, rugby) A boomerang kick.
GEOBOTANYgeobotany n. The branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species.
GEOBOTANY n. the geographical study of plant distribution, aka phytogeography.
HONORABLEhonorable adj. Worthy of respect; respectable.
honorable adj. (Politics) A courtesy title, given in Britain and the Commonwealth to a cabinet minister, minister of…
honorable n. A politician or other person who bears the title of "honorable".
MOONBEAMSmoonbeams n. Plural of moonbeam.
MOONBEAM n. a ray of light from the moon.
NEOPHOBIAneophobia n. The fear or hatred of novelty, new things, innovation, or unfamiliar places or situations.
NEOPHOBIA n. fear of novelty.
ONBOARDEDonboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of onboard.
ONBOARD v. to train a new person to do a job.
REBOATIONreboation n. A loud reverberation; the echo of a bellow or roar.
REBOATION n. being reboant, reverberation.
STONEBOATstoneboat n. A kind of sled for moving heavy objects.
STONEBOAT n. (US) a low sledge for carrying rocks or other heavy objects.
WAGENBOOMwagenboom n. A South African proteaceous tree (Protea nitida).
wagenboom n. The tough wood of this tree, used for making wagon wheels.
WAGENBOOM n. (South African) a South African tree with tough wood used for making wagon wheels, also WABOOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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