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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, I and 2M

BEDLAMISMbedlamism n. (Dated) insanity.
BEDLAMISM n. anything characteristic of madness.
EMBALMINGembalming v. Present participle of embalm.
embalming n. The work of an embalmer.
EMBALMING n. the act of embalming.
EXCAMBIUMexcambium n. Alternative form of excambion.
EXCAMBIUM n. in Scots law, exchange of lands, also EXCAMBION.
IMBALMERSimbalmers n. Plural of imbalmer.
IMBALMER n. one who imbalms, also EMBALMER.
IMMOVABLEimmovable adj. Incapable of being physically moved; fixed.
immovable adj. Steadfast in purpose or intention; unalterable, unyielding.
immovable adj. Not capable of being affected or moved in feeling; impassive.
IMMUTABLEimmutable adj. Unable to be changed without exception.
immutable adj. (Programming, of a variable) Not able to be altered in the memory after its value is set initially.
immutable n. Something that cannot be changed.
MEIBOMIANmeibomian adj. Alternative form of Meibomian.
Meibomian adj. Of or relating to Heinrich Meibom (Meibomius; 1638–1700), German physician and scholar.
MEIBOMIAN adj. as in meibomian gland, any of the small sebaceous glands in the eyelid.
MEMSAHIBSmemsahibs n. Plural of memsahib.
MEMSAHIB n. (Hindi) a European woman living in colonial India.
MICROBEAMmicrobeam n. (Physics) A beam having a small cross section.
MICROBEAM n. a beam of radiation of small cross-section.
MISBECAMEmisbecame v. Simple past tense of misbecome.
MISBECOME v. (archaic) to be unbecoming to.
SWIMMABLEswimmable adj. (Of a body of water) Able to be swum in or across.
SWIMMABLE adj. that can be swum.
TIMBERMANtimberman n. A lumberman.
timberman n. A timber dealer.
timberman n. A person who installs timbers in a mine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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