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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, H, L and N

BANDSHELLbandshell n. A large, outdoor performing venue typically used by bands and orchestras, with the roof protecting musicians…
BANDSHELL n. a bandstand concave at the back.
BENCHLANDbenchland n. (Geology) bench (thin strip of relatively flat land bounded by slopes).
BENCHLAND n. a former wave-cut shore of a sea or lake.
BLANCHERSblanchers n. Plural of blancher.
BLANCHER n. one who, or that which, blanches or whitens.
BLEACHINGbleaching v. Present participle of bleach.
bleaching n. The process of removing stains or of whitening fabrics, especially by the use of chemical agents.
bleaching n. The loss or removal of part of the (semantic, grammatical, etc) content or a word or morpheme.
BLUNTHEADBLUNTHEAD n. a frequent user of marijuana.
BRANCHLETbranchlet n. A small branch; a twig or sprig.
BRANCHLET n. a little branch.
BUSHELMANbushelman n. (US, dialect) A tailor’s assistant for repairing garments.
BUSHELMAN n. one who bushels, mends and alters men's clothes, also BUSHELER, BUSHELLER.
CHALYBEANChalybean adj. (Historical) Of or relating to the Chalybes, an ancient people of Pontus in Asia Minor, celebrated for…
Chalybean n. (Historical) A member of this ancient group of people.
CHALYBEAN adj. in metallurgy, tempered.
CHANTABLECHANTABLE adj. that can be chanted.
HANDBELLShandbells n. Plural of handbell.
HANDBELL n. a bell held in the hand and played by shaking.
HANDLEBARhandlebar n. (Chiefly in the plural) The bar used to steer a bicycle, motorbike, or similar vehicle using the hands.
HANDLEBAR n. the steering-bar of a cycle, or one half of it.
HOBNAILEDhobnailed adj. Having hobnails.
hob-nailed adj. Alternative spelling of hobnailed.
HOBNAIL v. to furnish with broad headed short nails.
HONORABLEhonorable adj. Worthy of respect; respectable.
honorable adj. (Politics) A courtesy title, given in Britain and the Commonwealth to a cabinet minister, minister of…
honorable n. A politician or other person who bears the title of "honorable".
INHALABLEinhalable adj. That can be inhaled.
INHALABLE adj. that can be inhaled.
MUNCHABLEmunchable adj. Capable of being munched; edible; snackable.
munchable n. (Informal) Anything edible; a snack.
MUNCHABLE adj. that can be munched.
SHUNNABLEshunnable adj. Fit for, or capable, deserving, or worthy of, being shunned.
SHUNNABLE adj. that can be shunned.
THINKABLEthinkable adj. Able to be thought or imagined; conceivable.
thinkable adj. (Rare) Morally acceptable or legal.
THINKABLE adj. capable of being thought.
UNHIRABLEunhirable adj. That cannot be hired; unsuitable for hiring.
unhirable n. One who cannot be hired; an unsuitable employee.
UNHIRABLE adj. not hirable.
WHALEBONEwhalebone n. The horny material from the fringed plates of the upper jaw of baleen whales that are used to filter…
WHALEBONE n. a light flexible substance consisting of the baleen plates of whales.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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