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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, F, T and U

AFTERBURNafterburn n. The burning of further calories after the end of a period of vigorous exercise.
afterburn n. (Sociology) The practice of criticizing a person after they have left, or stopped contributing to the conversation.
AFTERBURN n. the burning of additional calories post-exercise.
BASKETFULbasketful n. The amount that will fit into a basket.
BASKETFUL n. the contents of a basket.
BEAUFFETSbeauffets n. Plural of beauffet.
BEAUFFET n. (obsolete) a sideboard, also BEAUFET.
BEAUTIFULbeautiful adj. Attractive and possessing beauty.
beautiful adj. Good, admirable.
beautiful adj. (Of the weather) Pleasant; clear.
BIFURCATEbifurcate adj. Divided or forked into two; bifurcated.
bifurcate adj. Having bifurcations.
bifurcate v. (Intransitive) To divide or fork into two channels or branches.
BISULFATEbisulfate n. (Inorganic chemistry) The univalent anion HSO4-.
bisulfate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any salt containing this anion.
bisulfate v. To react with a bisulfate.
BREATHFULbreathful adj. That breathes.
breathful adj. Focused on control of one’s breathing.
breathful adj. Full of breath; breathy.
BUTTERFATbutterfat n. The fatty components of milk and other dairy products.
butter-fat n. Alternative form of butterfat.
butter␣fat n. Alternative form of butterfat.
DEBATEFULdebateful adj. (Obsolete) Contentious, argumentative, full of strife.
DEBATEFUL adj. (obsolete) quarrelsome.
FABULATEDfabulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fabulate.
FABULATE v. to compose fables.
FABULATESfabulates n. Plural of fabulate.
fabulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fabulate.
FABULATE v. to compose fables.
FLASHTUBEflashtube n. Synonym of flashlamp.
FLASHTUBE n. a gas discharge tube that produces very brief intense flashes of light and is used esp. in photography.
OBFUSCATEobfuscate v. To make dark; to overshadow.
obfuscate v. To deliberately make more confusing in order to conceal the truth.
obfuscate v. (Computing) To alter code while preserving its behavior but concealing its structure and intent.
OUTFABLEDoutfabled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outfable.
OUTFABLE v. to surpass in fabling.
OUTFABLESoutfables v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outfable.
OUTFABLE v. to surpass in fabling.
REFUTABLErefutable adj. Able to be refuted, or shown to be false.
REFUTABLE adj. that can be refuted.
REFUTABLYrefutably adv. So as to be refutable.
REFUTABLE adv. that can be refuted.
TABLEFULStablefuls n. Plural of tableful.
TABLEFUL n. the contents of a table.
TABLESFULtablesful n. Plural of tableful.
TABLEFUL n. the contents of a table.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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