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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, 2N and R

ABANDONERabandoner n. One who abandons.
ABANDONER n. one who abandons.
BRANDINGSbrandings n. Plural of branding.
brandings n. (Australia) A children’s game in which one player tosses a tennis ball at other players who vigorously…
BRANDING n. the promoting of a product by associating it with a brand name.
BRANDLINGbrandling n. The young or parr of the salmon, so named from its markings being, as it were, branded.
brandling n. A small, red earthworm, Eisenia fetida, used for bait in freshwater fishing.
BRANDLING n. a striped earthworm used as fishing bait.
BRANDYINGbrandying v. Present participle of brandy.
BRANDY v. to mix with brandy (a liquor).
DANNEBROGDannebrog n. The national flag of Denmark, featuring a white Nordic cross atop a red background; is said to be the…
Dannebrog n. A Danish order of knights founded in 1219 and revived in 1671.
Dannebrog prop.n. A village in Nebraska.
ENDBRAINSendbrains n. Plural of endbrain.
ENDBRAIN n. a part of the brain.
HINDBRAINhindbrain n. (Neuroanatomy) The posterior part of the brain, comprising the cerebellum, pons and medulla, the rhombencephalon.
HINDBRAIN n. the posterior of the three principal divisions of the brain.
RAINBANDSrainbands n. Plural of rainband.
RAINBAND n. a dark band in the earth's atmosphere, caused by the presence of water vapour in the earth's atmosphere.
TRAINBANDtrainband n. (Now historical) A company of trained civilian militia operating in England and North America between…
TRAINBAND n. (historical) a band of citizens from the 16th to the 18th century trained to bear arms.
TURBANNEDturbanned adj. Wearing a turban.
TURBANNED adj. wearing a turban, also TURBANED.
UNBRANDEDunbranded adj. Not branded; lacking a brand.
unbranded adj. Not associated with a brand name.
UNBRANDED adj. not branded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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