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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, F and 2R

BIRDFARMSBIRDFARM n. (US colloquial) an aircraft carrier.
FIREBOARDfireboard n. A chimney board or screen to close a fireplace when not in use.
FIREBOARD n. a mantelpiece.
FIREBRANDfirebrand n. (Figurative) An argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary; one who agitates against the status quo.
firebrand n. A torch or other burning stick with a flame at one end.
FIREBRAND n. a flaming stick; a hot-tempered person.
FREEBOARDfreeboard n. (Nautical) The vertical distance between the waterline and the uppermost watertight deck of a vessel.
freeboard n. The distance between a water level and the top of something that contains or restrains it (such as a dam).
freeboard n. The distance between the top of sea ice and the water level.
FRETBOARDfretboard n. (Music) A fret or plate put over the neck of musical instruments or its fingerboard, to create a different…
FRETBOARD n. a fingerboard with frets on a stringed musical instrument.
FRIARBIRDfriarbird n. Any of several species of large Australian honeyeaters in the genus Philemon.
friar␣bird n. Alternative form of friarbird.
FRIARBIRD n. an Australian honeyeater with featherless head.
FRYBREADSfrybreads n. Plural of frybread.
fry␣breads n. Plural of fry bread.
FRYBREAD n. native American fried bread.
SURFBOARDsurfboard n. A shaped waterproof plank, usually made of wood or foam and reinforced plastic, used to surf on waves.
surfboard v. To use a surfboard; to surf.
SURFBOARD n. a long narrow board used in surfing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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