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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, F, O and S

BABYFOODSbabyfoods n. Plural of babyfood.
baby␣foods n. Plural of baby food.
BABYFOOD n. food prepared for babies.
BOLDFACESboldfaces n. Plural of boldface.
boldfaces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boldface.
BOLDFACE v. to print in thick type.
BOOFHEADSboofheads n. Plural of boofhead.
BOOFHEAD n. (Australian slang) a stupid person.
FLATBRODSFLATBROD n. a flatbread made with rye.
FOLDBACKSfoldbacks n. Plural of foldback.
FOLDBACK n. in multitrack recording, a process for returning a signal to a performer instantly.
FOLDBOATSfoldboats n. Plural of foldboat.
fold␣boats n. Plural of fold boat.
FOLDBOAT n. a collapsible boat resembling a kayak, also FALTBOAT.
FOODBANKSfoodbanks n. Plural of foodbank.
food␣banks n. Plural of food bank.
FOODBANK n. a charitable organization which distributes food aid to people in financial difficulty.
FORBIDALSFORBIDAL n. the act of forbidding, also FORBIDDAL.
FUNBOARDSfunboards n. Plural of funboard.
FUNBOARD n. a special fast windsurfing board.
SURFBOARDsurfboard n. A shaped waterproof plank, usually made of wood or foam and reinforced plastic, used to surf on waves.
surfboard v. To use a surfboard; to surf.
SURFBOARD n. a long narrow board used in surfing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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