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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, 2O and T

BABACOOTEbabacoote n. Alternative form of babakoto.
BABACOOTE n. (Malagasy) a large lemur, the indri or closely related species.
BALDICOOTbaldicoot n. The coot (bird), with its pure white wide frontal plate.
baldicoot n. (Slang, archaic, derogatory) A monk with a shaven head.
BALDICOOT n. the coot, from its white frontal shield.
BANDICOOTbandicoot n. A small Australian marsupial with a distinctive long snout, of the family Peramelidae (with the exception…
bandicoot n. Any of several rat-like rodents of the genera Bandicota and Nesokia of southeast Asia.
bandicoot v. (Australia, informal) To steal growing vegetables from a garden.
BOOTBLACKbootblack n. (Dated) A shoeshine boy; a person who shines shoes as an occupation.
bootblack v. (Transitive) To shine shoes.
boot-black n. Alternative spelling of bootblack.
BOOTJACKSbootjacks n. Plural of bootjack.
bootjacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bootjack.
BOOTJACK n. a device for pulling off boots.
BOOTLACESbootlaces n. Plural of bootlace.
BOOTLACE n. a lace for fastening boots.
COBALTOUScobaltous adj. (Chemistry) Containing cobalt in oxidation state 2.
COBALTOUS adj. containing cobalt in lower valence.
COCKBOATScockboats n. Plural of cockboat.
cock-boats n. Plural of cock-boat.
COCKBOAT n. a small boat.
COHABITORcohabitor n. One who cohabits.
COHABITOR n. one who cohabits, also COHABITER.
COHOBATEDcohobated v. Simple past tense and past participle of cohobate.
COHOBATE v. to distill again.
COHOBATEScohobates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cohobate.
COHOBATE v. to distill again.
JACKBOOTSjackboots n. Plural of jackboot.
jack-boots n. Plural of jack-boot.
jack-boots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jack-boot.
MATCHBOOKmatchbook n. A small folded sheet of cardboard containing rows of cardboard matches, generally with a striker on the outside.
MATCHBOOK n. a book of matches.
MOBOCRATSmobocrats n. Plural of mobocrat.
MOBOCRAT n. one who favors a form of government in which the unintelligent populace rules without restraint.
NONCOMBATnoncombat adj. Not involved in, or not designed for, combat.
NONCOMBAT adj. not engaged in combat.
OBCORDATEobcordate adj. (Botany, of a leaf) Of a reversed cordate shape; heart-shaped but attached to the stalk by the pointed end.
OBCORDATE adj. of e.g. a leaf, inversely heart-shaped and attached by the point.
TOBACCOEStobaccoes n. (Dated) plural of tobacco.
TOBACCO n. an annual herb cultivated for its leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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