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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, L, O and P

AMBLYOPICamblyopic adj. Of, relating to, or suffering from amblyopia.
AMBLYOPIC adj. of or pertaining to amblyopia, partial loss of sight not due to disease of eye.
BLACKPOLLblackpoll n. A North American warbler, Dendroica striata, the male of which has a black patch on its head.
BLACKPOLL n. a warbler of the United States.
BLACKSPOTblackspot n. Alternative form of black spot.
black␣spot n. (Phytopathology) A fungal disease among plants, particularly roses, that results in black spots on the leaves.
black␣spot n. (Transport) A section of roadway that has been designated as being particularly accident-prone.
BLACKTOPSblacktops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blacktop.
black-tops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of black-top.
black-tops n. Plural of black-top.
CLAPBOARDclapboard n. A narrow board, usually thicker at one edge than the other, used as siding for houses and similar structures…
clapboard n. (Uncountable) Such boards, arranged horizontally and overlapping with thick edge down, collectively, as siding.
clapboard n. (Archaic, UK) An oak board of a size used for barrel staves.
CLIPBOARDclipboard n. A flat piece of rigid material, such as card or plastic, with a clip at one end under which papers can be held.
clipboard n. (Computing) A buffer in memory where the user can store data temporarily while transferring it from…
clip␣board n. Alternative form of clipboard.
COMPTABLECOMPTABLE adj. (obsolete) countable, also COMPTIBLE, COUNTABLE.
PARABOLICparabolic adj. (Chiefly mathematics) Of, or pertaining to, or in the shape of a parabola or paraboloid.
parabolic adj. (Rhetoric) Of or pertaining to a parable.
parabolic n. (Mathematics) A parabolic function, equation etc.
PEACHBLOWpeachblow adj. (Ceramics) Of a delicate purplish-pink colour suggesting peach blooms; applied especially to a style…
PEACHBLOW n. a delicate purplish-pink colour, used as a glaze on porcelain.
PLACEBOESplaceboes n. Plural of placebo.
PLACEBO n. (Latin) a medicine given to humour a patient.
PLOWBACKSPLOWBACK n. a reinvestment of profits in a business, also PLOUGHBACK.
POACHABLEpoachable adj. Capable of being poached, or stolen.
poachable adj. Suitable for being cooked by poaching.
POACHABLE adj. that can be poached.
POLYBASICpolybasic adj. (Chemistry, of an acid) containing two or more replaceable hydrogen atoms; see also polyprotic.
polybasic adj. (Chemistry, of a salt) having two or more atoms of a univalent metal.
polybasic adj. (Chemistry, of a base) Having two or more basic groups; see also polybase and polyprotic.
SCOOPABLEscoopable adj. That can be scooped.
SCOOPABLE adj. that can be scooped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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