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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, H, L and R

BACHELORSbachelors n. Plural of bachelor.
bachelor's n. Clipping of bachelor’s degree.
BACHELOR n. an unmarried man.
BLANCHERSblanchers n. Plural of blancher.
BLANCHER n. one who, or that which, blanches or whitens.
BLEACHERSbleachers n. Plural of bleacher.
BLEACHER n. an outdoor uncovered bench for spectators at a sports ground.
BLEACHERYbleachery n. A place or an establishment where bleaching is done.
BLEACHERY n. a place or an establishment where bleaching is done.
BRACHIALSbrachials n. Plural of brachial.
BRACHIAL n. the brachial artery or nerve.
BRANCHIALbranchial adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling gills or the embryonic branchial arches and clefts.
branchial n. A branchial arch.
BRANCHIAL adj. of or relating to gills.
BRANCHLETbranchlet n. A small branch; a twig or sprig.
BRANCHLET n. a little branch.
BRONCHIALbronchial adj. Of or relating to the bronchi or bronchioles.
BRONCHIAL adj. belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs.
CARBACHOLcarbachol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic parasympathomimetic drug C6H15N2O2+ that is used in veterinary medicine and…
CARBACHOL n. a synthetic drug used to disperse fluids, e.g. urine, retained in the body.
CHARBROILcharbroil v. To cook on a flat, lined metal surface that is heated from below; to chargrill.
CHARBROIL v. to broil over charcoal.
CHARTABLEchartable adj. Capable of being plotted on a chart.
CHARTABLE adj. that can be charted.
CRUSHABLEcrushable adj. That can be crushed.
crushable adj. (Informal) On whom one may form a crush, or romantic attachment.
crushable adj. (Informal, of beer) Easy-drinking or sessionable.
REACHABLEreachable adj. Within easy reach; accessible.
reachable adj. (Mathematics) (of a node) That may be reached from another node in a graph by passing along one or more lines.
reachable n. Someone or something that can be reached.
RHOMBICALrhombical adj. Rhombic.
RHOMBICAL adj. of or like a rhombus, an equilateral parallelogram, also RHOMBIC.
TORCHABLEtorchable adj. Able to be torched.
TORCHABLE adj. that can be torched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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