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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, H, K and T

BACKCHATSbackchats n. Plural of backchat.
backchats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backchat.
back-chats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of back-chat.
BACKCLOTHbackcloth n. The painted scenery at the back of a stage; the backdrop.
back-cloth n. Alternative spelling of backcloth.
BACKCLOTH n. the painted cloth or curtain at the back of the stage.
BACKLIGHTbacklight n. (Uncountable) Light shining from a source behind the object of interest or attention.
backlight n. (Countable) The rear window of a motor car.
backlight v. (Transitive) To illuminate something from behind.
BACKSIGHTbacksight n. The rear sight of a firearm.
backsight n. (Surveying) A measurement or reading taken back towards a point of known elevation, used to calculate…
backsight n. (Surveying) A measurement of a previously shot point, used to set the angle to zero when occupying a new position.
BETHWACKSbethwacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bethwack.
BETHWACK v. to thrash soundly.
BRITSCHKAbritschka n. Alternative form of britchka.
BRITSCHKA n. (Polish) an open four-wheeled carriage with a folding top, also BRITSKA, BRITZKA, BRITZSKA.
BUCKWHEATbuckwheat n. An Asian plant, of the species Fagopyrum esculentum.
buckwheat n. (Cooking) The fruit of this plant used as a pseudocereal.
buckwheat n. (Western US) Any of the wild buckwheats in the genus Eriogonum.
FIGHTBACKfightback n. A campaign of resistance; a counterattack.
fight␣back v. (Intransitive) to defend oneself by fighting.
fight␣back v. (Intransitive) to counterattack; to resist an attack.
HACKBOLTShackbolts n. Plural of hackbolt.
HACKBOLT n. a sea bird, the greater shearwater, also HAGBOLT, HAGDEN, HAGDON, HAGDOWN.
HATCHBACKhatchback n. A car with a sloping, hinged rear door that opens upwards.
hatchback n. The door itself.
HATCHBACK n. a car with a certain type of liftable back.
MATCHBOOKmatchbook n. A small folded sheet of cardboard containing rows of cardboard matches, generally with a striker on the outside.
MATCHBOOK n. a book of matches.
NOTCHBACKnotchback n. A motor car whose rear window makes an angle with its back segment.
NOTCHBACK n. a car whose roof does not slope continuously from the roof to the bumper, but juts out from the bottom of the rear window.
THORNBACKthornback n. Any animal with a thorny back, especially marine animals, such as…
thornback n. (Archaic) A woman over a certain age (variously 26 or 30) who has never married, older than a spinster.
THORNBACK n. a kind of skate having thornlike spines on its back, aka roker.
THROWBACKthrowback n. A reversion to an earlier stage of development.
throwback n. (Derogatory) A person considered to be primitive, uncivilized and mentally deficient.
throwback n. An organism that has characteristics of a more primitive form.
THUMBTACKthumbtack n. (North America) A small nail-like tack with a slightly rounded head that can be pressed into place with…
thumbtack v. (Transitive) To fix or attach something with a thumbtack.
THUMBTACK n. a broad-headed tack.
TOUCHBACKtouchback n. (American football) The result of a play (usually a kickoff or punt) in which the ball passes out the…
TOUCHBACK n. a play in which the ball is dead on or behind a team's own goal line, having been put across the line by an opponent but actually put down by a member of that team.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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