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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, E, M and U

ACCUMBENTaccumbent adj. Leaning or reclining, as the ancients did at their meals.
accumbent adj. (Botany) Lying against anything, as one part of a leaf against another leaf.
accumbent n. One who rests in an accumbent position, especially at table.
AMBULANCEambulance n. An emergency vehicle designed for transporting seriously ill or injured people to a hospital.
ambulance n. (Military) A mobile field hospital.
ambulance n. (Obsolete, US) A prairie wagon.
AMBUSCADEambuscade n. (Dated) An ambush; a trap laid for an enemy.
ambuscade n. The place in which troops lie hidden for an ambush.
ambuscade n. The body of troops lying in ambush.
BACTERIUMbacterium n. (Microbiology) A single-celled organism with cell walls but no nucleus or organelles.
BACTERIUM n. a class of unicellular or filamentous microorganisms.
BECLAMOURbeclamour v. Alternative form of beclamor.
BECLAMOUR v. to make a clamour, also BECLAMOR.
BUCKRAMEDbuckramed v. Simple past tense and past participle of buckram.
BUCKRAM v. to pad or stiffen with buckram.
CALEMBOURcalembour n. A pun.
CALEMBOUR n. (French) a pun.
CETUXIMABcetuximab n. (Pharmacology) A chimeric (mouse/human) monoclonal antibody that targets epidermal growth factor receptor.
CETUXIMAB n. a chimeric (mouse/human) monoclonal antibody, used in the treatment of various cancers.
CLUBMATESclubmates n. Plural of clubmate.
CLUBMATE n. a fellow member of a club.
COLUMBATEcolumbate n. (Chemistry) A salt of columbic acid; a niobate.
COLUMBATE n. a salt of columbic acid; a niobate.
CUMBRANCEcumbrance n. (Obsolete) encumbrance.
CUMBRANCE n. an encumbrance.
DUMBCANESdumbcanes n. Plural of dumbcane.
DUMBCANE n. a poisonous tropical plant.
EXCAMBIUMexcambium n. Alternative form of excambion.
EXCAMBIUM n. in Scots law, exchange of lands, also EXCAMBION.
KACHUMBERkachumber n. An Indian salad of chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and sometimes chili peppers.
KACHUMBER n. (Hindi) a salad of chopped onion, tomato, cucumber, and (sometimes) other vegetables.
MEGABUCKSmegabucks n. (Informal) Collectively, a very large amount of money (whether in dollars or other currency).
megabucks n. Plural of megabuck.
mega-bucks n. Plural of mega-buck.
MUNCHABLEmunchable adj. Capable of being munched; edible; snackable.
munchable n. (Informal) Anything edible; a snack.
MUNCHABLE adj. that can be munched.
QUICKBEAMquickbeam n. The European rowan tree.
QUICKBEAM n. the hawthorn.
SUBSCHEMAsubschema n. A schema making up part of a larger schema.
SUBSCHEMA n. part of a schema.
VERBASCUMverbascum n. A mullein (of genus Verbascum).
Verbascum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Scrophulariaceae – the mulleins.
VERBASCUM n. another name for the flower mullein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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