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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, D, L and N

BACKLANDSbacklands n. Plural of backland.
BACKLAND n. a piece of land at the back of an established property.
BALCONIEDbalconied adj. That has a balcony attached.
BALCONIED adj. having a balcony.
BALDACHINbaldachin n. Alternative spelling of baldacchin.
BALDACHIN n. a rich embroidered material, originally woven with woof of silk and warp of gold thread, also BALDACHINO, BALDAQUIN, BAUDEKIN, BAWDKIN.
BARNACLEDbarnacled adj. Crusted with barnacles.
barnacled adj. (Figurative, by extension) Thickly covered in something, as if with barnacles.
barnacled adj. Familiar with the ocean and/or seafaring.
BENCHLANDbenchland n. (Geology) bench (thin strip of relatively flat land bounded by slopes).
BENCHLAND n. a former wave-cut shore of a sea or lake.
BLACKBANDblackband n. (Mineralogy) An earthy carbonate of iron containing considerable carbonaceous matter, valuable as an iron ore.
BLACKBAND n. iron ore containing enough coal to calcine it.
BLACKENEDblackened adj. Darkened to the point of appearing black; as…
blackened v. Simple past tense and past participle of blacken.
BLACKEN v. to make black, to defame.
BLACKLANDblackland n. The land making up the Texas Blackland Prairies, a temperate grassland ecoregion in Texas with rich, dark soil.
BLACKLAND n. a heavy, sticky black soil such as that covering large areas of Texas.
CLUBHANDSclubhands n. Plural of clubhand.
CLUBHAND n. a deformed hand.
CLUBLANDSclublands n. Plural of clubland.
CLUBLAND n. an area containing many nightclubs.
DANCEABLEdanceable adj. (Of music) Suitable for dancing.
danceable n. A social event with dancing; a ball.
danceable n. (Informal) A song suitable for dancing to.
ENCODABLEencodable adj. That can be encoded.
ENCODABLE adj. that can be encoded.
SCABLANDSscablands n. Plural of scabland.
SCABLAND n. rocky land with little soil cover.
SCRUBLANDscrubland n. A plant community characterized by scrub vegetation, consisting of low shrubs, mixed with grasses, herbs…
SCRUBLAND n. land covered by scrub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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