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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2C, E and K

BACKACHESbackaches n. Plural of backache.
BACKACHE n. pain in the back.
BACKACTERBACKACTER n. a mechanical excavator with an extension consisting of a bucket on an extending arm, which can be used to scoop up earth as it is drawn back towards the machine, aka backhoe.
BACKBENCHbackbench adj. Relating to the back benches in parliament.
backbench adj. Pertaining to the preparation of a donor organ prior to transplantation.
backbench adj. Secondary or inactive.
BACKCHECKbackcheck v. (Transitive, ice hockey) To check (an opposing player) while skating toward or near one’s own goal.
backcheck v. (Intransitive, ice hockey) To engage in checking while skating toward or near one’s own goal.
backcheck v. (Quality control) To check someone else’s work after they have completed it, in a backward-looking type…
BACKPIECEbackpiece n. A decorated comb that attaches a veil to the back of a bride’s head.
backpiece n. A large tattoo on a person’s back.
backpiece n. A piece or plate of armour protecting a person’s back.
BACKSPACEbackspace n. The key on a typewriter that moves the head one position backwards.
backspace n. (Computing) A keyboard key used for removing a character behind the cursor, and moving the cursor one…
backspace n. (Computing) The non-printable text character representing a backspace.
BLACKFACEblackface n. (Uncountable) A style of makeup in which a non-black person blackens their face, usually in order to…
blackface n. (Countable) A sheep of the Scottish Blackface breed.
Blackface n. Alternative letter-case form of blackface (form of racist vaudeville entertainment).
CAMELBACKcamelback n. (Uncountable) The backs of camels.
camelback n. (Countable) A flexible water container worn on the back.
camelback n. (Countable) A house with a second storey that does not completely cover the ground floor.
CHECKABLEcheckable adj. Able to be checked or verified.
checkable adj. Able to be marked with a check mark, or tick.
checkable adj. (Finance, not comparable) Alternative form of chequable.
CLICKABLEclickable adj. (Entertainment) That establishes rapport with an audience.
clickable adj. (Manufacturing, of a rigid plastic foam) That retains its shape after being cut by a blade or punched by a die.
clickable adj. (Computing) Causing some action to occur when clicked with a mouse or other pointing device.
COMEBACKScomebacks n. Plural of comeback.
COMEBACK n. a return to former glory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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