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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, N, R, U and Y

ANGULARLYangularly adv. In an angular manner.
ANGULAR adv. having an angle.
ANNULARLYannularly adv. In an annular manner.
ANNULAR adv. ring-shaped.
ANTIQUARYantiquary n. A person who is knowledgeable of, or who collects antiques; an antiquarian.
antiquary n. An aficionado or student of antiquities, ancient artifacts, historic sites, ancient writings, or things of the past.
antiquary adj. Relating to antiquity.
CAULINARYcaulinary adj. Cauline.
CAULINARY adj. belonging to or growing from a stem, also CAULINE.
CYANURATEcyanurate n. (Biochemistry) A compound formed with cyanuric acid.
cyanurate n. (Biochemistry) The anion formed by the deprotonation of cyanuric acid.
CYANURATE n. a chemical derived from cyanide.
GRANULARYgranulary adj. (Dated) granular.
GRANULARY adj. (archaic) granular, also GRANULAR.
NATURALLYnaturally adv. In a natural manner.
naturally adv. Inherently or by nature.
naturally adv. Surely or without any doubt.
QUARRYMANquarryman n. A man involved in quarrying (mining for stone).
QUARRYMAN n. a quarry worker.
SANCTUARYsanctuary n. A place of safety, refuge, or protection.
sanctuary n. An area set aside for protection.
sanctuary n. A state of being protected, asylum.
UNARRAYEDunarrayed adj. (Archaic) Not arrayed; undressed.
unarrayed adj. (Archaic) Not arranged.
UNARRAYED adj. not arrayed.
UNAWARELYunawarely adv. (Rare) unawares.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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