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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, N, O, R and Y

ACRONYCALacronycal adj. (Astronomy) Rising at sunset and setting at sunrise, as a star.
ACRONYCAL adj. occurring at nightfall or sunset, (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONIC, ACRONICAL, ACRONYCHAL.
AEROMANCYaeromancy n. Divination by use of atmospheric conditions.
aëromancy n. Alternative form of aeromancy.
AEROMANCY n. divination by means of the weather.
ANTIROYALantiroyal adj. Opposed to royals or royalism.
ANTIROYAL adj. opposed to royalty.
ARROGANCYarrogancy n. (Now rare) Arrogance.
ARROGANCY n. the quality of being arrogant, also ARROGANCE.
DAMNATORYdamnatory adj. Containing a sentence of condemnation.
DAMNATORY adj. consigning to damnation.
EMANATORYemanatory adj. Emanative; of the nature of an emanation.
EMANATORY adj. of the nature of an emanation.
MANDATORYmandatory adj. Obligatory; required or commanded by authority.
mandatory adj. Of, being or relating to a mandate.
mandatory n. (Disc golf) A sign or line that require the path of the disc to be above, below or to one side of it.
MYROBALANmyrobalan n. A plum-like fruit from various trees of the genus Terminalia, formerly used in medicine and now in the…
MYROBALAN n. the astringent fruit of an Indian tree, aka cherry-plum.
NARRATORYnarratory adj. Relating to a narrator and/or narration.
NARRATORY adj. like narrative, consisting of narrative.
PYROMANIApyromania n. (Psychology) A compulsive disorder characterized by obsession with fire or uncontrollable urges to start fires.
PYROMANIA n. an obsessive urge to set fire to things.
SAYONARASsayonaras n. Plural of sayonara.
SAYONARA n. (Japanese) goodbye.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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