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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2N, R and U

ANANDROUSanandrous adj. (Botany) Lacking stamens; devoid of male parts in plants.
ANANDROUS adj. without stamens.
ANNULARLYannularly adv. In an annular manner.
ANNULAR adv. ring-shaped.
ANTIURBANantiurban adj. (Sociology) Showing a negative view of cities or city life.
ANTIURBAN adj. opposed to towns.
GRANDAUNTgrandaunt n. Synonym of great-aunt.
grand-aunt n. Alternative form of grandaunt.
GRANDAUNT n. the aunt of one's father or mother.
LUNARIANSLunarians n. Plural of Lunarian.
LUNARIAN n. (archaic) an inhabitant of the moon; a student of the moon.
LUNARNAUTlunarnaut n. Someone who travels to the Moon.
LUNARNAUT n. one who travels to the moon, also LUNANAUT.
MANURANCEmanurance n. (Obsolete) cultivation.
MANURANCE n. (archaic) cultivation.
NUNATAKERnunataker n. Plural of nunatak.
NUNATAK n. (Inuit) a point of rock appearing above the surface of land ice.
NUTARIANSnutarians n. Plural of nutarian.
NUTARIAN n. an advocate of nuts as nutritious food.
ORANGUTANorangutan n. Any of three species of arboreal anthropoid ape, characterised by their shaggy reddish-brown coat and…
orang-utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
orang␣utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
TURNAGAINturnagain n. (Lace making) The movement of the bobbin in producing the breadth, or series of narrow stripes, in one…
turn␣again v. (Archaic) To return.
turn␣again v. (Archaic) To make a stand.
UNCINARIAUncinaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ancylostomatidae – certain nematodes that cause certain hookworm…
UNCINARIA n. hookworm.
UNIPLANARuniplanar adj. Having, or lying in, a single plane.
UNIPLANAR adj. lying in one plane.
UNITARIANunitarian adj. Espousing a unitary view of something.
unitarian n. One who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, believing that God exists only in one person; a unipersonalist.
unitarian n. (Islam) A Muwahhid.
UNNATURALunnatural adj. Not natural.
unnatural adj. Not occurring in nature, the environment or atmosphere.
unnatural adj. Going against nature; perverse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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