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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, M, 2N and O

ADNOMINALadnominal adj. (Grammar) Involving or relating to words that modify a noun.
adnominal n. (Grammar) The adnominal case: A word or phrase qualifying a noun, such as an adjective or a relative clause.
adnominal adj. (Grammar, dated) Of or pertaining to an adnoun (sensu stricto).
AGNOMINALagnominal adj. Of or pertaining to an agnomen.
AGNOMINAL adj. relating to an agnomen, an additional name.
AMAZONIANamazonian adj. Having characteristics of the mythical Amazons; aggressive and warlike.
amazonian adj. (Of a woman) Tall, strong and athletic.
Amazonian adj. Of or relating to the Amazons; aggressive and warlike.
ANAMNIOTEanamniote n. Any animal that is not an amniote.
ANAMNIOTE n. any vertebrate animal, such as a fish or amphibian, that lacks an amnion.
ANCHORMANanchorman n. (Television, radio) The main host of a television or radio program, particularly one relating to the…
anchorman n. (Athletics) The most reliable runner in a relay team, usually the one that runs last.
anchorman n. (Nautical) The person on a ship in charge of the anchor.
ANIMATIONanimation n. The act of animating, or giving life or spirit.
animation n. (Animation, in the sense of a cartoon) The technique of making inanimate objects or drawings appear…
animation n. The state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness.
ANTIWOMANantiwoman adj. Opposed to women.
ANTIWOMAN adj. opposed to women.
DAMNATIONdamnation n. The state of being damned; condemnation; openly expressed disapprobation.
damnation n. (Religion) Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the punishment itself.
damnation interj. Expressing annoyance or disappointment; damn; dammit.
DINOMANIAdinomania n. (Informal) Enthusiasm for dinosaurs.
DINOMANIA n. public interest in dinosaurs.
EMANATIONemanation n. The act of flowing or proceeding (of something, quality, or feeling) from a source or origin.
emanation n. That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source; efflux; an effluence.
emanation n. (Uncountable, obsolete, physics, chemistry) The element radon (Rn).
INFOMANIAinfomania n. Impairment of concentration caused by frequent response to text messages, e-mails, and other forms of…
INFOMANIA n. an excessive desire for information.
MANGANOUSmanganous adj. (Chemistry) Containing manganese in its +2 oxidation state.
MANGANOUS adj. of manganese of lower valency.
MANGOSTANmangostan n. Archaic form of mangosteen.
MANGOSTAN n. (Malay) a tree of the East Indies, or its orange-shaped fruit, also MANGOSTEEN.
MONOMANIAmonomania n. Excessive interest or concentration on a singular object or subject.
monomania n. A pathological obsession with one person, thing or idea.
MONOMANIA n. an abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea.
NANOGRAMSnanograms n. Plural of nanogram.
NANOGRAM n. a billionth of a gramme, also NANOGRAMME.
NONANIMALnonanimal adj. That does not derive from an animal.
nonanimal adj. That does not involve animals.
nonanimal n. That which is not an animal.
NONMANUALnonmanual adj. Not manual.
NONMANUAL adj. not manual.
OENOMANIAoenomania n. Morbid desire for wine; dipsomania; alcoholism.
OENOMANIA n. an obsession or craze for wine.
XENOMANIAxenomania n. A strong or excessive preference for foreigners or for foreign customs, manners, or institutions.
XENOMANIA n. an inordinate attachment to foreign things.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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