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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2M, S and T

AMASSMENTamassment n. The act of amassing.
amassment n. (Countable) That which is amassed; a large quantity (of something).
AMASSMENT n. an amassing; an accumulation.
AMMONATESAMMONATE n. a type of ammonia compound, also AMMINE, AMMONIATE.
ANIMATISManimatism n. (Anthropology) The belief that everything is pervaded with a life-force giving each inanimate object…
ANIMATISM n. the primitive attribution of life to natural phenomena.
ARMAMENTSarmaments n. Plural of armament.
ARMAMENT n. a military force equipped for war.
DATACOMMSdatacomms n. Data communications.
DATACOMMS n. (short for) data communications.
HEMATOMAShematomas n. (US) plural of hematoma.
HEMATOMA n. swelling filled with blood.
MAGMATISMmagmatism n. (Geology) The flow of magma.
magmatism n. (Geology) The formation of igneous rock by the solidification of magma.
MAGMATISM n. the production of magma.
MAINMASTSmainmasts n. Plural of mainmast.
main-masts n. Plural of main-mast.
MAINMAST n. the principal mast of a vessel.
MALAMUTESmalamutes n. Plural of malamute.
MALAMUTE n. (Inuit) an Alaskan sled dog, also MALEMIUT, MALEMUTE.
MAMATEEKSmamateeks n. Plural of mamateek.
MAMATEEK n. (Native American) a type of wigwam.
MATAMATASmatamatas n. Plural of matamata.
mata-matas n. Plural of mata-mata.
mata␣matas n. Plural of mata mata.
MELISMATAmelismata n. Plural of melisma.
MELISMA n. (Greek) melodic embellishment.
METAMALESmetamales n. Plural of metamale.
METAMALE n. a sterile male organism.
METAPLASMmetaplasm n. (Linguistics) Any change in a word made by altering its letters or sounds.
metaplasm n. (Biology) A small particle (often nutrient) within a cell.
METAPLASM n. the alteration of a word by adding, subtracting, or transposing letters or syllables e.g. saying 'relator' for 'realtor'.
METASOMASmetasomas n. Plural of metasoma.
METASOMA n. the posterior part of an arachnid's abdomen.
MIASMATICmiasmatic adj. Reeking, oppressing, having the nature of miasma.
MIASMATIC adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMIC, MIASMOUS.
TEAMMATESteammates n. Plural of teammate.
team-mates n. Plural of team-mate.
TEAMMATE n. a member of the same team.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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