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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, N, O and Y

ACYLATIONacylation n. (Organic chemistry) The process of adding an acyl group to a compound.
ACYLATION n. the act of forming an acylate.
ALLODYNIAallodynia n. Pain produced by innocuous stimulation of normal skin.
ALLODYNIA n. the experience of severe pain as a result of a stimulus that would not normally cause it.
AMYOTONIAamyotonia n. Lack of normal muscular tension or tonus, especially when congenital.
AMYOTONIA n. deficiency of muscle tone.
ANISOGAMYanisogamy n. A form of sexual bonding involving partners of unusually widely differing ages.
anisogamy n. (Cytology) Sexual reproduction involving the union or fusion of two dissimilar gametes.
ANISOGAMY n. union between markedly different gametes e.g. as egg and sperm, as in humans.
ANTIROYALantiroyal adj. Opposed to royals or royalism.
ANTIROYAL adj. opposed to royalty.
ATONALITYatonality n. (Uncountable, music) A style of music that is written without a key.
atonality n. (Countable, music) A passage written without a key.
ATONALITY n. the state of being atonal.
CLAYTONIAclaytonia n. Any plant in the taxonomic genus Claytonia.
Claytonia prop.n. Spring beauties, principally of North America.
CLAYTONIA n. an American genus of perennial herbs with delicate blossoms, aka spring beauty.
DAYCATIONdaycation n. (North America) A single-day excursion or retreat.
DAYCATION n. a day trip to a resort, hotel, etc. that does not involve staying the night.
GAYCATIONGAYCATION n. a holiday specifically designed for the gay market.
HAYCATIONhaycation n. A vacation stay on a farm, in which guests often help out with daily farm tasks.
HAYCATION n. a working holiday at a farm or similar business.
HYPOMANIAhypomania n. (Medicine) A mild form of mania, especially the phase of several mood disorders characterized by euphoria…
HYPOMANIA n. slightly abnormal overactivity and elation.
PYROMANIApyromania n. (Psychology) A compulsive disorder characterized by obsession with fire or uncontrollable urges to start fires.
PYROMANIA n. an obsessive urge to set fire to things.
TYPOMANIAtypomania n. Enthusiasm for typography.
typomania n. Obsession with being published or writing for publication.
TYPOMANIA n. the overwhelming urge to see one's name in print.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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